Study 5
Please look at the questions and discuss the answers. The case histories are designed to let you apply what theoretical knowledge you have gleaned from the study. There are intentionally many more questions and case histories than you can manage in one session but this is designed to cover the many and varied needs of the individuals in the church hence please pick and choose which ones to discuss as long as it gets people sharing and applying the Word to real life situations. Never feel obligated to finish all the questions The answers will be posted on the web the next day.
What are some of the reasons why adopting Biblical terminology and understanding in our churches would be beneficial?
What are the reasons why “Overseers” (Episokopos) and “Elders”(Prebuteros) are the same persons ? (Titus 1: 5-8; Acts 20: 1-17; 1 Peter 5:1-2; 1 Tim 3: 2,5 and 1 Tim 5: 17. What are the different backgrounds of each term? What about the term “Pastor” (poimenon)? How is it related to Overseer or Elder? Each of these terms are interchangeable and give a different nuance of what church leadership is like. Can you comment?
What is the difference between the qualifications for Overseer and Deacons? What is the function of Overseers or Elders? Why is it important that the Elders are able to teach? Why are character qualifications important in church leadership? Should all full time workers be automatically entitled to be called “pastors or elders”?
Why should there always be a plurality of Elders in your church? What are the advantages of this? Does the bible show any distinction between full time and lay elders or pastors?
Why is it that recent converts not be allowed to become elders and what does this tell us about the difference between elders and deacons? Why are only elders tempted by pride and not deacons? Does it mean that a young man cannot be an elder?
In what way does church leadership differ from our secular corporate leadership?