

Main Service

Join us every Sunday, 8.45 am and 11.15am, for worship at main Hall.


Salt of Subang

Salt of Subang is the youth ministry for FBC (E) from ages 13 to campus. Our goal is to disciple youths to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The youth service consists of pre-service fellowship (from 8:30am onwards), worship, sermon, and group discussion. Every Sunday except first Sunday.


Sunday school

We welcome children aged 12 and below to join us every Sunday at Room B101. 1st service at 8.45 am (Gospel Kids); 2nd service at 11.15 am (Kingdom Kids).


Kairos Fellowship

Kairos Fellowship weekly worship from 11:30am to 12:45pm at B112, followed by lunch in Globe Cafe. Karen Tan - 0196635567 * Bilingual service (Bahasa & English)


Filipino Service

Every Sunday 8.45 am at the Transit Lounge, we gather for worship and a sermon in Tagalog and enjoy refreshments together after the service. All ages are welcome.


Tamil Service

Every Sunday 11.30am at the Transit Lounge, we gather for worship and a bilingual sermon in Tamil and English. Lunch is enjoyed together after the service in Garden Cafe. All ages are welcome.


Cantonese Service

Every Sunday 8.45am at the Globe Cafe, we gather for fservice in Cantonese and enjoy light refreshments together after the service in Garden Cafe. All ages are welcome.

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