Church Triumphant (Gone but Not Forgotten)

The church is a living community that transcends time. Jesus said in Matt 22:32 “ I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living” Hence this part of our webpage is dedicated to our fellow saints who have served alongside us and are now with Him in glory. They are the church triumphant whose lives and deeds continue to be intertwined with those of us who remain, known as the church militant. Their legacy will continue to inspire and stir us to love and good works for as long as we endeavor to remember them. Soli Gloria Deo

Geraldine Tan Lay Suan

Thong Mei Ling (Mrs Chick)

Susanah Ng

Peter Tan Boon Chaw

Joseph Chin

Pastor Ramachandran