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00:00:01 [Applause] [Music] good morning church today's scripture reading is taken from the book of matthew chapter 7 verse 13 to 29 the narrow and wide gates enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it watch out for false prophets they come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves by their fruit you will recognize them
00:00:51 do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or fakes from thistles likewise every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire thus by their fruit you will recognize them [Music] not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven many will say to me on that day lord
00:01:34 lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles then i will tell them plainly i never knew you away from me you evil doers therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and put them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain came down the stream rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice
00:02:18 is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down the stream rose and the winds blew and beat against the house and it fell with a great crash when jesus had finished saying these things the crowd were amazed at his teaching because he taught as one who had authority and not as their teachers of the law this is the word of god good morning fbc and greetings in the name of our lord jesus after a short break from jesus sermon on the mount today we are returning to close out the concluding passages of the
00:03:04 sermon we've been studying the sermon on the mount for the past few months and the sermon started with the beatitudes of what it means to be blessed what it means to inherit the kingdom of heaven the key verse is in matthew 5 20 that unless your righteousness surpasses death of the pharisees and the teachers of the law you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven fast forward to the end of jesus sermon on the mount we are presented with two diverging paths that promises the ticket to heaven
00:03:33 but only one is true one that leads to eternal life the other is false and leads to destruction jesus offers no third alternative and hence the title of the sermon today two ways to live a christian's commitment a radical choice from matthew 7 13 to 29 which was just read to us but let's start with the word of prayer first our father in heaven thank you for teaching us so much from the sermon on the mount thus far and today as we come to the closure of the sermon and learn about what it takes to
00:04:08 follow jesus as the only way the only truth that leads to the promise of eternal and abundant life here on earth as it is in heaven we ask that you will open our ears that we may hear open our hearts that we may believe and be convicted and finally grant us the will to obey so that we may be transformed into the likeness of christ may the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight o lord our rock and redeemer amen so three points here three points or questions we're going to cover today
00:04:46 how do we get into the kingdom how do we know we're in the kingdom how do we build godly lives for the kingdom the first section how do we get into the kingdom so here we have at the start of matthew chapter 7 verse 13 enter through the narrow gate for white is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it if we further break down this metaphor and compare them side by side there are two gates
00:05:26 two paths and roads two crowds two destinations there is no third alternative or middle ground no no ceiling on the fence you're either on the narrow way or you're still on the broadway well contrasted with the broadway the gate is wide the path is is broad and spacious a super highway like the german audubon hence it draws the crowds because many easily enter through it but the road ironically narrows down to a place of destruction as the bible puts it each journey comes in a whole package and are at opposite pose
00:06:08 you're not allowed to enter through the narrow gate and then detour to the broadway hoping to accelerate to eternal life there is no shortcut let's dig deeper into the narrow way what who is the narrow gate we may allude to john chapter 10 the parable of the good shepherd and the sheep therefore jesus said very truly i tell you i am the gate for the sheep all who have come before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep have not listened to them jesus repeats i am the gate whoever enters through me will be saved they
00:06:42 will come in and go out and find pastures it is christ himself interestingly earlier in chapter in in in the same chapter in verse 2 jesus says the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep who is christ himself jesus is both the good shepherd and the gate as if to say that jesus is both the means and the leader of the pack who has entered the way himself will have paved the way for us but why is the gate and path narrow why is it not slightly wider so that more can go in what is the significance
00:07:17 and what does it entail to do that i would like you to picture three images the first is the eye of the needle the second is picture a turn style and the third a metamorphosis of a butterfly the first is the eye of the needle matthew 19 24 jesus says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god when the disciples was astonished and asked jesus who then can be saved his answer was with man this is impossible with but with god all things
00:07:55 are possible no amount of human effort can gain a salvation hence entry into the kingdom the sheer human impossibility is exactly what is possible with god salvation is a gift from god achieved by grace through faith not by works this is consistent with the posture of the beatitudes that jesus said right at the start of the sermon on the mount the condition for entering into god's kingdom is one who is poor in spirit who mourns for his own sin one who is gentle and meek and one who hungers and thirsts for
00:08:32 righteousness the second picture is one is a one-way turnstile one direction one at a time salvation is personal every individual is accountable to god he accepts and receives jesus as his personal lord and savior he does not rush into it but takes time to contemplate his own sinfulness mourning for his own sin for which christ died and decisively enters the narrow gate and follows the narrow way he comes with little to no baggage fully dependent on the grace and the mercies of god to provide for his every need
00:09:14 he leaves behind the world the crowd the ways of the world he is his old self as the saying goes leave your ego at the door and the familiar song is apt here i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back the turnstile is a one-way direction the world behind me the cross before me no turning back no turning back and thirdly picture the metamorphosis of a butterfly while in caterpillar stage it feeds on mud and on green leaves once the caterpillar reaches a certain stage in its life it stops eating and
00:09:56 begin to weave a web around itself called pupa and engulf itself inside for several days it looks as if something's hanging under the leaf and no sign of life inside it however what really happens is a huge transformation that is taking place under and one day a beautiful butterfly comes out of the pupa rather than the old caterpillar once a caterpillar becomes a butterfly it doesn't go back to its old habits of eating mud and leaves instead it starts to fly from flower to flower feeding on the best food of all delicious honey
00:10:34 and we know the word of god is sweeter than honey the bible says and also it promotes as the butterfly flies from flower to flower it promotes pollination among the plants the word spreads this is what real christian experience a real christian experiences when he walks the narrow road he is being molded and transformed into christ's likeness but why will phil find it because we need to seek it with all our heart as in the parable of the hidden treasure and the costly pearl the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure
00:11:08 hidden in the field when the man found it he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls when he found one of great value he went away and sold everything he had thought he had and bought it for where your treasure is there your heart will be also but the narrow road may often be winding treacherous and steep but remember that many had gone before us countless heroes of faith and courage who has decisively walked the narrow
00:11:46 road that has not only transformed their own lives but changed the world contrast this with the broad way jesus was preaching to a primary audience that were largely jewish but by the time he had finished his series of sermon gentile crowds may have gathered as well the white gate was the easiest and most natural path i mean if you're a jew you'll follow one of the jewish sects if you're a gentile you follow other gods and idols fast forward two millennium in our post-modernistic world we are challenged with even broader
00:12:24 gates and broader roads even in the christian circles alone there are more than 200 denominations in the u.s more than 45 000 globally according to the center of study of global christianity as society becomes increasingly pluralistic we move from being exclusive there is no salvation outside of christianity to being inclusive it is possible for non-christians to go to heaven if they did certain things to being pluralistic all roads lead to rome exclusivism is seen today as being intolerant narrow-minded
00:13:03 hence the narrow way pluralism on the other extreme is widely accepted and perceived as tolerant in the name of religious harmony and freedom here's a quotation by ronald reagan he says the frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in name of tolerance freedom and open-mindedness question is isn't the real truth that they are intolerant of religion isn't isn't isn't it that they refuse to tolerate the its importance in our lives the late fulton sheen who was an
00:13:40 american archbishop of the catholic church puts it in another way he says america it is said is suffering from intolerance it is not it is suffering from tolerance tolerance of right and wrong truth and error virtue and evil christ and chaos our country is not nearly so overrun with bigoted with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broad-minded so says fulton sheen for earth professing christians be careful not to fall prey into the appeals of the broadway which can be succinctly categorized by the three seas
00:14:23 not car credit card condo but the crowd compromise conformity the broad way is where the crowd is it's easy to join the bandwagon because everybody is doing it in fact if you don't follow suit you'll be seen as foolish missing the bull run there is peer pressure in school at work even at home the broadway encourages the second sea compromise a little bit of concession won't hurt will it so we close one eye sometimes in our career ambitions of climbing the corporate ladder we can it can cause us to compromise our
00:15:06 faith when we crave for worldly success and the accolades from fellow men finally the broadway welcomes conformity picture a chameleon his amazing ability to change colors ranging from a dull gray to a greyish brown to any colors red pink yellow green or blue he is a master of camouflage blending in whatever color of limb or leaf he is perched on just like the chameleon we can if not careful conform for the wrong reasons more dangerous are those who profess to be following christ but have not themselves entered through the narrow
00:15:52 gate let alone walked the narrow road more on this in the next section and now we come to the second section how do we know where in the kingdom after we have entered into the narrow way through the narrow gate how do we know we're on the right track in the kingdom what do we need to look out for here what jesus says in verses 15 to 20. watch out for the prophets for the false prophets they come to you in sheep's clothings but inwardly they are ferocious wolves by their fruit you will recognize them
00:16:35 do people pick grades from thorn bushes or figs from thistles likewise every good tree that bears good fruit but a battery bears bad fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a battery cannot bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire thus by their fruit you will recognize them here we see additional two contrasting metaphors wolf in sheep's clothing versus the true shape this is implied it's not in the passage and the second metaphor is a good tree
00:17:15 that bears good fruit versus a battery that bears bad fruit let's examine the first metaphor who are the false prophets who comes in sheep's clothings since the creation of mankind throughout the history of the christian church false prophets and teachers have been present and prevalent at every era from the false prophets of king ahab and dr peter spoke about this two weeks ago to those in the time of jeremiah to the pharisees and scribes of jesus time to arianism heretics in the third century
00:17:50 even to recent times dr peter gave a few examples of trump's false prophets such as jeremiah johnson you know growing up as a christian i've encountered at least two false christianity the first was jehovah's witnesses and the famous the watch tower bible and track society the major concern is the rejection of trinity claiming that jesus was not divine and that the holy spirit is an active force and not a person jesus is god's only direct creation the first born of all creation and therefore rightly entitled to be called the son of
00:18:26 god however they believe that as a created being he is not part he is not part of the trinity and this is reflected in in the new world translation this is the bible translation that the jehovah's witnesses use as of march 2021 the the new world translation has been translated into in whole or in part into 200 languages the translation has been criticized for changing the meaning and words of the text to fit the jw doctrine a prime example is john chapter 1 verse 1 which normally reached in the beginning was the word and the
00:19:03 word was with god and the word was god the nwt version translates to passage as in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was a god a god the second encounter i have with false christianity is mormonism or better known as the latter-day saints today when i was in college in the uk i was leading a christian fellowship care group that met weekly we had a new joiner of british who was i think a young christian then he attended our care group quite regularly studied the bible with us for
00:19:41 a few months until one day you know in one of our meetings he started quoting verses that were pretty strange for us and when we asked where he was quoting from or which bible translation that was he started bringing out the book of mormon and was very insistent it was necessary after a few counseling sessions when he refused to budge we had to excommunicate him from our care group and the christian fellowship the book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saints movement which at adherents believe contains writings of
00:20:19 ancient prophets who lived in the american continent it was first published in march 1830 by joseph smith they believed the bible to be the word of god as far as it is translated correctly and that the most reliable way to measure the accuracy of any biblical passage is not by comparing different texts in the bible but by comparison with the book of mormon and modern day revelations similar to the jehovah's witnesses mormonism have issues with the trinity they believe that the father son and holy ghost are three separate gods
00:20:58 they also believe the father and son each have a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's but that the holy ghost has not a body of flesh and bones but is a personage of spirit but the church membership is one of the fastest growing in the u.s and so the broad way many will enter through it in the last few decades there has been the rise of prosperity health and wealth gospel one example is benign the controversial televangelist and faith healer which is a which is which is a clear example here are some of his quotations
00:21:43 if you will come back and make that pledge and by that he means the financial pledge god will heal your heart tonight another quotation each one of them god the godhead is a triune being by himself so there's there's nine of them there three times three godhead but we need to heed the warning from scripture second timothy 4 verses 3 4 says for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions
00:22:19 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myth the problem is there is a demand the people who have itching ears and who prefer the broad way and obviously when there's demand as supply as well false prophets and teachers who will capitalize on them jesus didn't mince his words when he rebuked the scribes and the pharisees he says but woe to you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces but you neither enter yourselves nor allow
00:22:52 those who would enter to go in how can we tell the false prophets from the true ones first john chapter four verse one dear friends do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from god because many false prophets have gone out into the world jesus says in verse 16 by their fruit you will recognize them and likewise every good tree bears good fruit but a battery will bear bad fruit and he repeats in verse 20 buy their fruit you will recognize them our family love all kinds of fruits
00:23:34 especially my eldest son aaron but lately i haven't been very successful in getting good plums and strawberries even when it is labeled sugar plums it's so disappointing when it's nowhere near what it's claimed false prophets and teachers may sometimes appear good on the outside but sour or even rotten on the inside what is this fruit test that jesus is talking about firstly it is a character test is the teacher or the prophet demonstrating the fruit of the spirit is he loving having the joy of the lord as his
00:24:11 strength is he peace loving patient and self-controlled is he kind and good prosperity gospel preachers such as benihin wants your goods not your good is he faithful to god and his word is he gentle and meek we must confess that as christians we don't always bear all the fruit of the spirit a hundred percent of the time but a true disciple must have that trajectory if we abide in christ the second test of the fruit test is really to get our doctrines right philippians chapter 1 verse 9 to 11 and
00:24:49 this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that you will be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through jesus christ to the glory and praise of god this requires us to really know and search the scriptures so that we are able to discern right from wrong even as we are continually filled with the fruit of righteousness ourselves and so jesus continues to warn those who
00:25:22 refuse to enter the narrow way in verses 21 to 23 not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven many will say to me on that day lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles then i will tell them plainly i never knew you away from me you evil doers this is quite serious the fourth shepherd and the wolf in sheep's clothing all the false disciples thrives in lip
00:26:04 service and self glorification through verbal profession they are spectacular and mighty works spiritual experiences just like the examples that were given earlier in acts we see an example of simon the sorcerer who used sorcery to impress the people of samaria and was called the great power of god after he was baptized by philip and became a believer upon seeing philip laying hands on believers who received the holy spirit he offered money to buy the ability to which peter rebuked him answering
00:26:44 may your money perish with you because you thought you could buy the gift of god with money not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven what then is the will of the father you may ask well one answer could come from first thessalonians chapter 4 verses 3 to 7. it is god's will that you should be sanctified god's will is your sanctification that you should avoid sexual immorality that each of you should learn to control your
00:27:19 own body in a way that is holy and honorable not impassioned lust like the pagans who do not know god and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister the lord will punish all those who commit such sins as we told you and warned you before for god did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life that is the will of the father and so we return to the two metaphors that jesus provided as both a warning to the desire to the false disciples as well as an exaltation to be true
00:28:01 disciples the true disciple is the true sheep that follows the good shepherd and the good tree that bears good fruit returning to the parable of the good shepherd and sheep in john chapter 10 the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep the gatekeeper opens the gate for him and the sheep listens to his voice he calls his own ship by name and leads them out when he has brought them brought out all his own he goes on ahead of them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice
00:28:35 so the mark of a true disciple is one who not only listens to jesus voice but he obeys his commands by doing his will a true disciple has a real ongoing and continued relationship with the lord bearing the fruit of the spirit in an increasing trajectory as he's being sanctified for his glory a true disciples a true disciple of god knows him knows god and is known by god that's what the late j.i packer says in one of his most influential evangelical uh in his most in his most influential book called knowing god he once quoted
00:29:18 there is a difference between knowing god and knowing about god when you truly know god you have energy to serve him boldness to share him and contentment in him charles spurgeon the english baptist preacher adds if you wish to know god you must know his word if you wish to perceive his power you must see how he works by his word if you wish to know his purpose before it comes to pass you can only discover it by his word and this leads to the third and final section in today's sermon how do we build godly lives
00:30:01 for the kingdom how do we build godly lives for the kingdom the last part of the sermon let's hear from verses 24 to 27 therefore everyone hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain came down the streams rose the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice it's like a foolish man who built his
00:30:37 house on sand the rain came down the streams rose and the wings blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash this of course is a familiar passage and it's made popular by the sunday school song the wise man built his house upon the rock we're all familiar with that most of you would have heard the recent tragic florida building collapse about a month ago a large section of a 12-storey seafront champlain champlain towers crumbled while most residents were asleep leaving no survivors under the rubble
00:31:16 the latest death toll has risen to 97 i think there were two that are still not found a study from a researcher at florida international university found that the area around the building was actually constructed on reclaimed wetlands and it had been sinking at the rate of two millimeters per year for the last three decades although the cause of collapse remains unclear an engineer's report from 2018 highlighted a major error in the original design that prevented water draining away from the base of the
00:31:49 building closer to home almost 30 years back some of you may remember the collapse of block one of the highland towers in bukit antara banksa the report from mph attributed the main cause to be inadequate drainage soil erosion and frequent landsat slides led to the destabilization of block one's foundation and after prolonged period of heavy rainfall the building eventually collapsed in both cases it was the weakening of the building's foundations a similar metaphor is described by jesus in the passage
00:32:30 on the outside the two houses look exactly the same and likely follow the same specifications what is unseen and underneath is the foundation on which the houses were built and that is the main difference one was built on rock and the other on sand or ground now i'm not a civil engineer so i do some research on building foundations based on soil classification rock is considered one of the best surfaces to build a house foundation it comes under the classification class a now that doesn't mean it's going to be
00:33:08 cheap or easy right especially for a conventional raft or waffle port slab any excavation such as leveling the site and an excavation for sewerage and draining trenches is going to be expensive and difficult this is due to the fact that it requires heavy excavation and rock breaking equipment so it is with the contrast between the wise and the foliage builder the one who built on rock as the parallel passage in luke's chapter 6 48 tells us dug deep and had to work hard to secure the foundation on rock
00:33:47 whereas the foolish builder took the easier way out you can get away with the first couple of years or maybe even 40 years as with the florida building but as time goes by when the going gets tough when the same storm the same torrential rain and wind or the flood hit the two buildings the one built on sand will not stand and eventually falls the crux of the matter the one that makes all the difference is the one who puts it into practice and apply it meaningfully and deeply into his everyday living
00:34:27 james chapter 1 verses 23 to 25 says is very clearly anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says it's like someone who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like but whoever who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it not forgetting what they have heard but doing it they will be blessed in what they do let me end with a simple analogy that you were trying to cross from one cliff
00:35:05 to an to another one which is a hundred feet away it is five thousand feet down to the rocks below you have however one inch one inch thick piece of rope which is capable of holding up several tons there is difficulty though for you you only have 50 feet of rope but i say to you don't worry i have 50 feet of thread we can tie my thread to your rope and then tie tie that to two trees on either cliff and then you can go across but you decline my offer and i respond what is the matter don't you not don't
00:35:43 you trust the rope yes you say i trust the rope but i don't trust the threat okay let's change the story and make it 90 feet of rope you have 90 feet of rope and you only need 10 feet of thread and i give that to you you're still not con not comfortable are you then suppose we make it 99 feet of rope and only one foot of thread is that is that enough no what one inch of one inch left of thread you see if you have one inch of thread you will just be as dead on rocks on the rocks below as if you tried to cross on a
00:36:22 hundred feet of thread the rope obviously represents christ and what he has done and the threat represents what we have done we must trust in christ alone as christ as charles purgin put it if we have to put one stitch into the garment of our salvation we shall ruin the whole thing this is the faith that bears fruit in good works for his kingdom's sake so let's summarize the christian life is a long and narrow journey but one that is free from condemnation filled with the joy and hope of the abundant life that christ has come to
00:37:06 offer us we asked the three questions earlier how do we get into this kingdom by choosing christ who himself entered the narrow gate walked the narrow way suffered death on the cross for our sake to redeem us from our sin because he loves us the only requirement is for us to acknowledge and confess our own sinfulness that apart from christ we can do nothing to save ourselves and in meekness and humility accept his gifts of grace and eternal life hungering and thirsting for his righteousness denying our
00:37:44 self-centeredness taking up the cross our cross and following in his steps sharing in his sufferings in order that we may share in his glory we ask the second question how do we know we're in the kingdom eternal life as john 17 3 reminds us is knowing christ the only true god and jesus christ whom he has sent the evidence of this personal relationship is that we continue to hear to bear the fruit of the spirit even as we continue to test all spirits to ensure they are from god and just as the shepherd knows his sheep
00:38:23 and his sheep hears his voice so also is our relationship with christ and because of our love for christ we walk our talk we obey his will and his commandments and finally we ask the question how do we build godly christian lives here on earth as we look forward to the coming kingdom by centering our lives upon christ who is our sure and firm foundation he is the rock of our salvation our refuge and strength so that in him we can withstand any storm that may shake us we do so by hearing studying and most
00:39:05 importantly obeying his word of wisdom applying it and putting them into practice by so doing we lay treasures in heaven the inheritance he promised that can never perish spoil of faith and for that as philippians 3 14 reminds us we press on toward the goal for which god has caught called us heavenward in christ jesus jesus indeed is the only way the only truth that leads to eternal life let us pray heavenly father thank you that in christ we have been saved by grace and have an eternal inheritance kept for us in heaven
00:39:53 we pray that we may die daily to all our self-centeredness and build our lives upon christ our firm foundation we pray that we will consciously make the choices the right choices each and every day of our lives that we may choose to enter the narrow gate of disciplined dedicated discipleship that we choose to not only search the scriptures but to test every spirit lest we fall prey to the temptations of the broad road and we pray also that in faith we will choose to obey and to do your will which
00:40:25 is for our sanctification and for your kingdom purposes help us lord by your spirit that we will choose to deny ourselves to take up our cross daily and follow christ who is the shepherd of our soul who is always with us leading us to green pastures who has come that we may have life and life abundantly here on earth i say this in heaven we pray this in jesus for jesus sake amen this sermon may speak differently to each one of us for we're at different stages of our encounter with christ for those who have heard of the gospel and
00:41:08 have yet to accept christ as your personal lord and savior and christ has convicted your heart but you don't know how to and would like someone to pray the sinner's prayer with you please send pray for those of us who have doubts about the narrow way and often feel like giving up and just return to the broad way that seems so much easier and so much more enticing but you know deep down that that's not the path that will lead you to eternal life if you need to pray with someone just type pray in the
00:41:39 chat or you could have or you could have been a christian for almost all your life and you have tried so hard to build godly lives centered on christ and his word but yet recent trials and tribulations have caused much grief and you're buckling under pressure and you just need a friend to pray with you please type pray in the chat as well there will be church leaders who are waiting and would love to pray for and with you for the rest of us who have decided to follow jesus or if you would like to attend alpha or
00:42:14 a live group or if you have any other prayer requests please can the qr and the respective team will respond accordingly