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00:00:01 today's passage is taken from the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15: 35-44 and vers 50 to 58 Birds another and fish another there are also heavenly bodies and there are Earthly bodies but the Splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind and the Splendor of the Earthly bodies is another the sun has one kind of Splendor the Moon another and the Stars another and star differs from star and Splendor so will it be so will it be with the resurrection of the Dead the body that is swn is perishable it is
00:00:44 raised imperishable in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is swn a natural body it is raised a spiritual body if there is a natural body there is also a spiritual body verse 50 to 58 I declare to you brothers and sisters that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable listen I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed in the flesh in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the
00:01:30 trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed for the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the Mortal with immortality when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the Mortal with immortality then the saying that is written will come true death has been swallowed up in Victory where oh death is your victory where oh death is your Sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to God he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus
00:02:12 Christ therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain this is the word of God good morning good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ can you hear me good okay so next week tongues in worship 1 Corinthians 14 by Dr Peter the week after The Parables of the lost sheep the Lost In The Family by Pastor rman Raj and then what has Faith got to do with work by brother
00:02:51 Brandon okay so before we start let us come to the Lord in prayer Our Father we come before you we pray that you will help us as we come to open your word in the book of 1 Corinthians 15 help us our father to catch a glimpse of the future of the body that you will give simply because of what the Lord Jesus has done help us to see the day in which we can truly say death is swallowed up in Victory we ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ okay we'll start because um we have a lot to cover today
00:03:28 uh clicker doesn't seem to work let me turn you on and off yeah click is not working uh next slide please okay uh all right it's working now great okay cool right thank thank you very much he's working all right uh so now I think uh most of us we are familiar with what we call uh life groups pastoral groups or Regional groups all sorts of groups and you'll most likely be part of a WhatsApp chat right and most of us have seen this from time and time again please pray for me right and it's always you know to do
00:04:14 with different circumstances some of it you know please pray for my work please pray for my studies please pray for my travels but more often than not it's always please pray for my health right I think that is something very common uh and it's something that all of us face and when it's bad like uh you know um what we heard in our testimony just now we thank the Lord that he has recovered but usually the cases that we don't hope for end up in hospital right and in the worst of the worst case scenarios you
00:04:49 will receive an orbituary next it's just the reality of life right and it's something that I think every one of us we have faced it before and death is is something that is common we see it all the time but we try not to talk about it so much because it's a bit of a taboo sometimes especially within a Chinese culture you know they they will say you know uh what's the word for it I can't remember already ta yes correct yeah we cannot talk about this don't talk about death we avoid talking about it right
00:05:22 but it's a very common thing every single culture you will see death now this a very very solemn note to start with so bear with me right in Gaza all right these people are not Christians they see death people in Ukraine they also see death this is just part of War what about pandemics we have been through one covid-19 very common to have deaths it's not uncommon we have all seen it before if you haven't seen it with people who are close myself I have not seen much death in my life before and I anticipate that I will and it
00:05:55 scares me right that's the reality of life but a lot of others they would have seen it much more so the Bible tells us something about how we can be joyful in the face of death this is what 1 Corinthians 15 is actually all about so how do we handle death in our lives as you know some of us who are Chinese you know we say you say just now it's a denial of death right we just deny we try not to talk about it you know let's not you know dwell on this topic you you try to preach the gospel to your friends
00:06:28 and then you talk about death the first thing they'll say is don't talk to me about death you know I'll I'll think about it when it comes I'm still young I'm not going to think about it now I'll focus on living not dying and I really want to not think about it now just in denial you know it's not going to happen to me at least not yet and think about it why why would people be so scared now let's let's put yourself in this scenario okay you're driving down the road right this what normally looks like
00:06:55 when you drive actually who can drive here I think most of us can right can can anyone can a show hands who can drive okay can so most of you understand the feeling when you see this okay now there is this concept car which I thought was very interesting car without Windows okay there's a little Apple logo over there I don't know what it has to do with the car okay but imagine if you have to drive in this car and this is what it looks like driving that car would you actually be happy driving the car
00:07:30 would you accelerate when you have to or you know turn left or right you have no idea right I I I don't know whether I should break or accelerate you know whether there's anyone in front of me is there a car is there a road you know is there you know like a drain in front of me turn left turn I I don't know and actually that's what it's like driving in a car without windows and if you think about it why are people so scared of death because it's exactly the same thing life is if you live it without knowing what comes
00:08:02 after death it's like driving in a car without windows that is why people are so scared that's why people deny death this is a quote by Thomas hops he's a philosopher and he says now I'm about to take my last Voyage a great leap in the dark he doesn't know what's coming after let me share you another quote by urius what men fear is not that death is Annihilation but that it is not because if we live in a world where it's broken you know that we are not perfect and that if there is a judge after death we know that we can't stand
00:08:42 before him and we know that what we owe is infinite in terms of payment we are afraid if there really is a judge if there is just Annihilation I just going to when I die there just going to be nothing after that I think none of us would really fear death we were just accepted as it is but in truth in our hearts we know that that is not true so that's one way we can handle death another way is actually what we call death is natural right A lot of people say death is nothing um uncommon death is just a part of life it is natural it
00:09:14 is nothing to be feared it's just peaceful sensation is just wandering into a dreamless sleep it's like a drop of water falling back into the shining sea or there's just nothing to be afraid and sometimes at funerals you hear this you say oh he or she looks so peaceful you know looks like she he or she's asleep you know but but in truth actually the lifeless corpse is nothing like the person in real life when the person is alive and when the person is dead they are really two completely separate things they they
00:09:45 are the same body but one is alive and one's lifeless you can tell when the person is asleep and you can tell when the person is dead there's a difference but we Comfort ourselves thinking okay you know that person just looks like that he's sleeping it's a way of coping It's A coping mechanism but is death truly natural did the Lord Jesus see death As Natural we're not going to jump in the passage just yet so bear with me see what the Lord says about this and my mind is turned to John 11:35 if you remember the resurrection
00:10:15 of Lazarus Lazarus was already in the grave and the Lord Jesus when he was brought to the Grave Jesus wept he cried think about this for a second the Lord of Life crying at the grave very unusual the Lord Jesus was described with another word in verse 38 let's I I'll read this very quickly then Jesus again groaning in himself came to the tomb it was a cave and a stone lay against it he said take away the stone and then M says by this time his body stink of Etc verse 43 and now when he had said these things he prayed to the
00:10:58 father he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a cloth Jesus said to them lose him and let him go the English doesn't translate this as well um and captures it from the Greek the word groaning there has a bit of a different meaning it talks about quaking with anger and rage the Lord Jesus was quaking with anger when he said these words he knew he will raise Lazarus from the dead but he was still
00:11:32 weeping he was angry he was raging and he's grieving and he's upset why how could the law of the world law of Life be angry at something that is in this world he can only be angry if death was an intruder death was not part of the original design think of it that we have a blueprint when God made us in the Garden of Eden and the blueprint doesn't specify that we are going to die we are not supposed to die we were meant to last forever so death is not natural when the Lord Jesus cried out at that tomb I don't think he said lose him
00:12:11 and let him go I think he said it with anger lose him and let him go why do he say with anger it's because death is not natural it's not meant to be part of this life so how do Christians remain joyful in the face of death now that's the question we're trying to answer in these verses that we are taking look at and the Christian Life is described as a life of Hope now I want you to think about the word hope and in the Bible the word hope doesn't mean the hope that we have in English in English it's like I
00:12:45 hope today will be a sunny day I hope today won't rain okay it's it's a hint of optimism you know without certainty but in the Bible the word hope has a very different meaning and the meaning of Hope in the Bible talks about a joyful conviction on the basis of compelling evidence the hope is actually looking forward you're looking forward to something all right the hope this is the hope that the Bible is talking about what hope do we have in death so the basis of our hope is captured in the future in First Corinthians 15 where we
00:13:18 have read that death will one day be defeated so when this corruptible shall put on incorruption when this Mortal shall put on immortality then shall be brought to passor saying that is written death is swallowed up in Victory and they say The Last Enemy that shall be destroyed is death now what do you see in common in these two verses the death is something that everyone fights against it's an enemy it's not something that is a friend you don't say it's natural you don't call it a friend you don't deny it and pretend it's not there
00:13:51 it's an enemy so if you deny or you befriended you'll never get that kind of fearlessness that Paul is talking about you know the the thing Keeps Us buoyant as it were death is our enemy but Paul taunts it okay he shows it no respect at all he says oh death where is thy s oh grave where is thy Victory you know modern translation of this is you know is you're making fun of death you think de you have anything on me no you don't you got nothing on me so if you're a Christian with that hope you will have
00:14:24 that buoyancy and unbless in life imagine you keep receiving all these messages in your WhatsApp you will feel depressed one day and you just turn off all the notifications I'm not going to read it anymore and then you start to deny it or you think that oh it's natural you know no it's not natural and it shouldn't be denied it should be H faced on but remember death is not just an enemy the last sentence on this slide it is a defeated enemy so that is an enemy but the defeated enemy do we befriended or
00:14:56 denied it will we will lose a part of our Humanity if we we do but how has death truly been defeated that's a question that we need to ask ourselves because death is still our enemy even as for Christians right death still breaks relationships it disrupts our families it destroys friendships and it causes grief in the loss of those who are dear to us we all have experienced this in one way or another if it's not your family then it's your friends it's not your friends someone else we might be tempted to think that
00:15:28 what it means to have Christian hope is that when we die we will just go along you know in our existence in the presence of God in some spiritual manner is that really what the Bible is talking about when it talks about heaven we we tend to think this way at least when I grew up I tend to think this way is it only spiritual so the Bible says there that God invented the spiritual and the physical so God made Adam Out of the Dust and breathed to him the Breath of Life they have both your soul and body my soul and my body have
00:16:01 been crushed under the weight of sin and they are both going to be redeemed we're not going to be redeemed only in Soul God does not consider the spiritual more important than the physical otherwise why would we be made physical so the Redemption that we're talking about here is for both Body and Soul we tend to think that if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you go to heaven yes that's a simplified version of it right that's the AED version the unbrided version is telling you that it's not just your soul that's
00:16:31 going to be redeemed your current body is going to be redeemed I can tell you one day with certainty that if we believe in Lord Jesus Christ we will not face this in our lives anymore this decaying of our bodies our brother Jonathan Lou there he will not have seizures anymore in that day to come there will be no such thing as epilepsy anymore it will be a Redemption of body and soul the God give us a half big solution when the Lord Jesus Christ come we have miseries today and sometimes we say oh yes my soul is full of fear anger
00:16:59 disappointment discouragement but don't you realize our bodies are full of Brokenness and misery too and our body is dying if the Lord Jesus Christ came and then redeemed us you know in Soul and then our bodies are left in the grave it would be quite miserable wouldn't it because God will have sent his son and only addressed half the problem that sin has caused when he came he addressed the problem in a full way we'll see that in more detail in the future in the next few slides a complete Redemption is what
00:17:29 the Lord Jesus Christ came to give he didn't address just half the problem he addressed the totality of it body and soul and we will talk about how this happens now we'll go and jump into the passage proper when the perishable shall put on imperishable and when the Mortal will put on immortality how does this happen we have a lot of questions about the resurrection I still remember um in gamma there was a question you know oh so how does Resurrection happen you know in in the discussion group you know um
00:17:58 you know will we come out you know from our Graves you know will you know the atoms be brought together exactly how we are not told exactly but we are given a glimpse so what does it say there was a question that was asked how are they raised out with what body do they come these two questions are being addressed here in 1 Corinthians 15 so Paul gives an illustration from verse 36 to verse the8 which we have which we have read just now it says there um I'm trying to find for the best yeah what you sow is not made alive unless it
00:18:32 dies and what you sow is not the body that shall be but mere grain perhaps wheat or some other grain but God gives it a body as he pleases and to each seed its own body three things uh before we talk about three things we just want to establish the fact that Resurrection is not impossible we see it on a small scale in day-to-day life God is giving this illustration of how it happens three things dissolution transformation and continuity what do they mean big words okay let's go through it one by one the first thing
00:19:04 what you s is not made alive unless it dies interestingly you can keep a seed for a very very long time right and only when you plant in the ground it only starts to grow but after the plant grows and the plant dies you can never replant the plant right but when the seed dies it brings forth life right so the first Sim similarity between a seed and Resurrection is that it doesn't take place unless death comes into the picture Death is just but a process now it's part of that process to life that
00:19:38 which you s does not come to life unless it dies not until seed dies does the plan live death brings out the power that is in the seed you can say the same thing death brings out the power there is in our bodies if we are Christians Romans chapter 8:1 tells us this in detail but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies not just your soul you are not just raised spiritually but your mortal bodies through his
00:20:12 Spirit who dwells in you if you have believed in him the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ not in here and now only he will also eventually give you a completely glorious and perfect body apply this figure to the Lord Jesus Christ as well in John 12:24 except a corn of weak fall into the ground and die e the B of alone right but if he die it bringeth forth much fruit he's giving again another example here where if he doesn't die there wouldn't be life that's going to be brought forth and we see that life before Christ could bear
00:20:44 the fruit of Salvation he had to die number two so that's dissolution so we first have to get rid of our current body to get a new one and see the same thing but he says what you sow is not the body that shall be M green the original forms and the final forms are different I want you think about this uh I'm not sure if it's Duran season but it wasn't too long ago that it was Duran season who likes Duran ah not many H yeah very hot but never mind everyone knows what a d is whether you like it or you don't like it
00:21:25 doesn't matter you know what it is okay now imagine this take a Duran right I remember I was a kid I you know my my dad ate Duran he gave me a Duran seed I plant the Durant seed in the ground in my house right and it really sprouted up okay uh and then after a while he you know uh dad says you know um our house right if you plant that seed there it will go through the roof so I had to pull it out while it was still young now why am I giving you this example now the thing that I planted in the ground was Duran
00:22:00 seed I don't plant a Duran in the ground hoping for a bigger Duran to come out right so imagine I think a whole Duran put in the ground a huge Duran come out bigger spikes you know and and the flesh is even more you know but it's not a tree that comes out it's a durian fruit that comes up you know if if life was that simple nice I plant all my fruits in the garden and they just become bigger and that's it but life doesn't work that way right the the the form of the seed going in the ground is very
00:22:28 different from the tree that comes up and this is what this verse is telling you about what you sow you do not swow the body that shall be but mere grain what you s when what comes up is completely different what the bo when the body dies when you see a corpse of your dear family or friend who has died in Christ what comes up from the ground in the future is different it's the same person but different body so when the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead he's glorified body was radically
00:23:00 different from what was placed in the grave it's the same body he had the scars he had the nail pierced hands you know the Pierce sides those were there you can recognize him as well but he was no longer Limited in a sense by Time by space and by material substance he can suddenly appear in the room with his disciples when they were there with the doors shut how did he enter in without opening the door that little d detail was given to us to actually tell us that his body is actually different but how
00:23:37 is it different we will only know in the future we just know that the only explanation that we can give is that he just never opened the door he just went through that's it so in his Earthly body he had done none of these things but we know that the form that he took was different so Resurrection changed the Lord's body and it will change ours too but God gave it a body as he pleases and to each seed his own body there is a continuity I put a Duran seed in the ground I don't expect an apple tree to
00:24:06 come up right vice versa you you expect that the seed and the tree has a correlation the seed changes radically but it is the same life form the Lord Jesus was also recognizable in his resurrected body it's the same person different body in the same way you and I will still will be you and I if you're sitting in your seats right here and you see me in the future you'll see the same me and I will see the same you we won't change that so dissolution transformation and continuity first the original form is
00:24:44 dissolved so in Resurrection remember for me to experience it but there are different cases where when the Lord appears those who our life will be changed on the spot but if I die I'll be raised again transformation with a different body we're not going to come up with the same body continuity you will still be the same person if God has worked this in a daily process through the centuries in his plant he can surely do it with you and me because in First Corinthians they were saying how can there be resurrection and Paul saying
00:25:16 look look around you the plants are a good example what about the form of Resurrection verses 39-42 or flesh is not the same flesh but one kind of Flesh of men another flesh of animals another flesh of fish another flesh of birds goes through a long list he's trying to tell you that the flesh that you have now is different from the flesh that used to come it's not the same kind right we establish that think about it this way fishes belong in the sea we belong on the land same with elephants you know zebras and hippos and Etc and
00:25:46 birds you know they fly in yeah but you don't expect a fish to live on dry land right I mean you try this the fish won't last more than a few minutes okay and vice versa you try to put yourself in the water without any scuba diving gear you're not going to survive longer as well right we are all made for different environments same way with Heaven the same way the new Heaven and new earth without a new body we are out of our element same like the fish now I say Brethren that flesh and blood cannot
00:26:20 inherit the kingdom of God why because it's corruptible neither does corruption inherit incorruption I'll give you another example of this after this if God is able to make different kinds of bodies for men for fish for birds for Animals how can he not then make a different body for us in our Resurrection he can it's something just so simple for him just a snap of his fingers and then you know you'll get a new body there are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies talking about you know the stars in the sky you're talking
00:26:50 about the Earth there's one glory of the sun another glory of the Moon and N of the Stars what does this all mean you know think about it the sun gives light the moon doesn't give light does he give light actually it does give light it reflects light but it doesn't actually produce light Etc so another glory of the Stars One Star differs from another star now this is a you can say a series of the kind of stars that we have not just in our solar system different galaxies all kinds of stars our sun is 1 2 3 four fifth from
00:27:24 the left if you can look at that's what our sun looks like then but you must remember that there so many different kinds of stars there's a blue dwarf there's a red dwarf there's a you know neutron star black hole all sorts in our galaxy right there are billions if not trillions of stars and they're all different they're all different what does this tell us when we are resurrected we are also going to be just as unique as you and I right now as unique as every Star is you and I will retain our personal
00:27:56 individuality all right I don't know about what we will look like whether you still have your curly hair or whether you know you still have a mustache I I I really can't tell for sure can't say for certain but we will still be unique all right at least you will still retain your personality you will still be who you are now let's take a look at a case study back in the Mount of transfiguration the Lord Jesus Christ he was there and Moses and Elijah appeared on the mount right they were distinctly
00:28:24 individual as they have been while living here on Earth Peter James and John could recognize them and say Moses and Elijah have you ever thought about it if you were there would you recognize Moses and Elijah I I don't know if I I would but it seems that you can recognize them and they certainly were not dead they were certainly alive it was written back in the Old Testament that Moses died but here is life why because God is and he's he's he didn't say God was was the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob God
00:29:01 is the present tense he is currently still their God he means and God is the god of the living not of the Dead if God is the god of living he's currently in their presence or they are currently in his presence sorry and they are still alive and so Moses and Elijah appear the same way and they retain their individuality as well they are not merely alive in heaven but alive as the same persons as they were on Earth and you and I are going to still experience that same life one day the glory of that
00:29:32 Resurrection body will differ from our present body so how do we contrast them now Paul gives us four things to look at the first the body is swn in incorruption uh the body is swn incorruption and raised in incorruption it's talking about perishable versus imperishable think of your your milk in the fridge whether it goes bad or not we go bad and we are subject to deterioration even until our eventual death and it begins from the time of birth all the way until we die covid-19 is a very clear issue we all
00:30:05 have faced it one way of another and think about it even the king in Britain is not exempt from health issues you know that he's diagnosed from can cancer he's thinking of not abdicating the trone don't know how that's going and people have find have been trying to find ways to prolong their life as long as they possibly can cryogenic is one of those so many different ways they try to prolong their life you you know you say take this supplement take that supplement do this exercise you know sleep this number of hours a day and
00:30:38 then you'll live longer we try our best to prolong our life shiti also tried also and he also eventually died so the perishable versus the imperishable one day we will have a body that will never die says that an imperishable body Incorruptible body why this is very important H why must we have an incorrupt body okay not subject to sickness Decay or deterioration because of this think about this who can recognize this man please say his name who sorry I hear something can say louder Lim ah Uncle Lim I heard okay so
00:31:20 you all recognize him okay to the younger generation you don't know who this man is he died a very long time ago 2007 if I'm not mistaken now interesting fact H okay um okay before I go to interesting fact uh we let's talk about facts first but not so interesting he was worth 4.2 billion us doar at the time of his death he would died at 88 years old okay but guess what do you know where he died not too far from here actually you never get to hear famous people die in subang Jay this is one of them he died where Dr Peter works sjmc
00:31:59 okay not too far from here okay Limon was a very very rich man at that point he was the wealthiest Malaysian $4.2 billion US you know and he he you know made this place called gunting Highlands I think all of us know where gunting Highlands is with all his wealth at 88 years old if he could live longer he could enjoy his wealth a bit longer his wealth actually outlasted him in terms of his life what can you say about this how can a person who is 88 years old inherit something that can last maybe two or 300
00:32:35 years if I put it even longer and exaggerate how can a mortal inherit something that is Incorruptible Heaven that God describes the new Heaven and new earth is Incorruptible without an immortal body how can we inherit The Incorruptible this is the key Point flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God what you have in here right now we think that is the perfect body is far from perfect we know it's decaying we know it's breaking down it cannot inherit God's Kingdom so our par body will be swn
00:33:09 perishable raised imperishable it be swn in dishonor raised in glory I'll skip this very quickly it's talking about our value and potential no matter how hard we try even the best of Believers the most faithful will still die in a state of Dishonor we can't honor God and glorify him but in that new body we can we are going to be made in to like bright stainless mirrors to reflect God's glory of his boundless love goodness graciousness his greatness his nobility everything that God is we are able to reflect that one day now we
00:33:38 are very dim mirrors but we will be perfect mirrors one day we will know what it really truly means to glorify God beyond that it is so in weakness it is raised in power now what does this mean now weakness I think all of us understand what weakness is right for me I'm already starting to experience something Ree of this already you know when I squat down and ask then it's funny because I can hear my niece speaking to me or something and my same in my back okay I I have a slip disc L5 S1 if anyone's interested and is you
00:34:12 know we are failing we are weak you turn down one Bowa and then you already end up hospital with that you know cast on your leg we have weak bodies we our bodies are not strong all right but that day will come when you know the auntie in this Hall can actually carry weights like this really okay there will come a time that you will have superum strength I I'm the body tells us is raised in power I Take God at his word okay so we are capable then of infinite growth infinite sensation and raised in power
00:34:43 what does this mean one day we can say you know no need to say that the flesh that the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak we can now say the spirit is willing the flesh is even better okay now think about this I'm going to talk about sensation a bit sea turtles can now this is like a like a school lesson about science interesting right anyway sea turtles can sense Earth's magnetic fields can I ask you can anyone here sense magnetic fields in the earth can I put you in the middle of anywhere oh
00:35:08 yeah that's North you know I think none of us can do that right we need a compass but this was this inbuilt in Turtles elephants can communicate over long distances this would be great if I was with my mother in the house because I she be calling me for dinner William and I can come down straight away already without her calling me 10 times snakes they can see heat you know in the form of you know the infrared you know they can sort of like thermal image their prey oh imagine if you can do that
00:35:33 as well and sharks can detect electrical Fields generated by muscle contractions in prey these are all senses that we cannot experience right we can generate instruments to try to see these things we are Inu in I sorry anyway let's skip that word but anyway we are smart enough to be able to create those um gadgets now Imagine This we only now have five senses right you know our smell you know our taste our touch our hearing our seeing Etc but we we may be capable of New Sensations in that day to come right
00:36:10 it's a body that's raised in power how do you describe one sense in terms of another rate tastes like strawberry how unless you know what rate looks like a blind person can't see what R is you know it doesn't make sense uh you know um maybe you know oh this soup smells like a sound of a trumpet you can't right you so if you have a new sense in that day to come you only experience it then you you don't know what it is like now we will have a body that is way beyond our imagination at this point it's own the Natural Body
00:36:47 raised a spiritual body currently in our natural realm this physical existence our Earthly body suited for life here Limited to this physical world but the resurrection body is different spiritual here does not mean non-material it doesn't mean that it's not physical it is physical it just mean it's now built for God's Heavenly realm the new heavens and the new Earth remember the Lord Jesus says behold my hands and my feet that is I myself handle me and see for a spirit have not Flesh and Bones as you see me have if he
00:37:25 was a ghost if he was just you know floating in the air you will not see physical flesh and he ate a broil fish and a honeycomb he was it was physical we will be perfectly suited in body and spirit for Heavenly living there will be a great transformation that is coming we will not delve into this this is related to first Thessalonians chapter 4 he says there we will not all sleep but we shall all be changed verse 52 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet everyone's going to be changed
00:37:57 right right now we will not talk about the Resurrection the first resurrection the second Resurrection we just talk about Resurrection okay this corruptible must put on in corruption it will happen in an instant just click and you'll be there in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed I'll skip this quote in um in view of time now what can we learn about God from all of this it's an interesting fact think about it if God puts so much emphasis on Resurrection God is a god of the Physical Realm he's not just a god of
00:38:35 the spiritual realm of Soul and Spirit he cares for the physical ailments that we have he likes the physical he likes matter otherwise why would he physically come the Lord Jesus Took on Flesh and Blood he became a physical man so the Bible doesn't say we only need to save Souls of people they need to be saved and only their Souls need to be saved and you say it doesn't matter whether they go go hungry or not you know they can go hungry it's fine you just need to save their souls no the physical is
00:39:06 important when we see Hunger we see disease we see pain we know that God hates it because the Lord Jesus came he took on human flesh to destroy these things he came to deal with it himself he doesn't just come and say you know hey come come listen to me and then you will go off hungry he fed the 5,000 he doesn't just say come come listen to me okay your sins are forgiven you you don't need to walk it's fine he says take up your bed and walk it's physical we minister to people then also not just in word but also in
00:39:38 deed in what we do physical is important in the kingdom of God now this is something I want you to really really Ponder and meditate about we've been talking about death a lot but when you have a resurrected body have you ever thought what you're going to do in that day let me tell you this we will eat we will drink we will hug we will love we will sing we will walk We Will March we will know one another we will do the same things as it were that we do today now where do I get all this from I can just pull it out in there and say
00:40:11 that you know God says this let's say what let's see what God really says the marriage supper of the Lamb says there uh oh that's Revelation 19 but in revelation 22 not the marry supper anymore he showed me a pure River of the Water of Life clear as Crystal proceeding from the Throne of of God and of the lamb in the mid of the mid middle of the street either side of the river there was a tree of life which bore 12 fruits the fruits are to be eaten we will eat we will drink and then we will sing after these
00:40:42 things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in the heaven saying Hallelujah Salvation and Glory and Honor and power belong to the Lord Our God Revelation chapter 19 verse1 we will sing if you cannot sing perfectly here right if you're out of pitch doesn't matter because in that day you'll be on Pitch you cannot play instruments today you will be playing instruments then we think you know sometimes I want to paint a picture and then you know it turns out really ugly you'll be painting picassos and you know Leonardo davainis
00:41:16 after that okay all sorts of things you have a perfect body raised in power to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones who are Christians you will hug them again when you see them imagine seeing your loved one again they appear right before you they say long time no seea how would you feel it's such a joy isn't it long time no see you get to hug them again you will love you will sing you will walk you will experience the things that you still experiencing on Earth if you enjoy the sunset or the sunrise we
00:41:51 won't have Suns there anymore because the lamb will be the source of the light but if God can create such wonderful scen scaries that we enjoy here on Earth now in this imperfect sinful World Imagine a perfect glorious sinless world what more will we see we will hug unfortunately this is not very accurate depiction because I don't think everyone will have white hair there everyone will have black hair yeah uh Uncle yeden will have black hair Dr Peter will have black hair everyone will be in perfect shape
00:42:23 okay so this is not very ocate picture but you still can hug okay that's the point we will know each other now this is a beautiful thing that is found in Matthew chapter 8 says that and I say to you many will come from the East and the west and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven you will sit with Abraham Isaac and Jacob imagine that you've been reading about them for so long and now you actually get to sit down and talk to them you can go up to Adam and say you're such a
00:42:51 fool you can do all these things you you can go to ABRA and say you know I learned so much from you Etc you will talk with these people okay just imagine I would love to spend time with all of you now thinking what is your favorite Bible character and who are you going to speak with the first thing you go to heaven but we don't have time for that we only got five minutes left when is all this going to happen the great Triumph is found in verse 54 so when this corruptible has put on incorruption then this um shall be
00:43:19 brought to pass the saying has written death is swallowed up in Victory death is swallowed up in Victory remember this phrase if there's only one thing I'm going to take away today death is swallowed out in Victory not yet as of now Christ's Resurrection broke the power of death for those who believe in him and death is no longer Master over them because death is no longer Master over him but do you realize we still subject to death the wages of sin is still death we still experience death so it's not swallowed up in Victory yet we
00:43:46 are not there yet you can't say death is swallowed up in Victory but he's a defeated enemy in the future we will see his defeat we know he's defeated because Christ has risen one day when the Lord Jesus Christ returns when this corruptible shall put on incorruption then we can say and sing with Triumph death is swallowed up in Victory it's a verse that is referring to Isaiah chapter 25 and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes with place where there is no death we have Victory to our Lord Jesus Christ
00:44:16 how this is why we can know for certain that we will have that resurrected body one day how did Christ make it possible for us to be raised from the dead two verses verses 55 and 56 says there oh death where is your sting oh grave oh Hades where is your Victory The Sting of death is sin put two and two together of death where is your sting where is Death sting it's sin I can translate it this this differently oh death where is sin if there is no sin you have no power the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ he
00:44:58 died for our sins according to the scripture the beginning of chapter 15 tells us that that sin has already been dealt with death has lost its sting another way of putting it is that the cross the Lord Jesus Took the stinger out of death we no longer feel it sting because when we were raised up to life again death will be swallowed up in Victory sin has brought death it's a curse Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us and in victory over death death's sting is finally removed Hebrews chap
00:45:44 2:145 he took on him flesh and blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death verse 15 you and me can enjoy this now he delivered us then who through fear of death for all their lifetime subject to bondage you don't need to fear death anymore you don't if you are going to die now and you know if just say you know I'm suffering from a terminal illness I can live life serving the lord and say never mind Lord with whatever time I'm going to serve you now I'm going to have a better body later
00:46:17 underneath all the diets is a desire for a new body underneath all the makeup and the wigs is a desire for new skin underneath the materialism and always buying new new things is a desire for novelty it's a hunger for God's eternity God has set eternity in their hearts remember this the Lord Jesus says I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth on me though he were there yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believe in me shall never die Believers nowaday death is now just the door to
00:46:53 life George Herbert puts it very nicely de used us to be an executioner but the Gospel made him just a gardener it's a beautiful quote death will take away my life it used to be that way but when the gospel came to the picture what can death do to me I'm laid in the ground as a seed he's just a gardener and planting me to be something even more beautiful in that time to come that's the promise that God made to you when the Lord Jesus gave his life and rose again from the dead this is what we're going to sing
00:47:28 Because He Lives God sent his son they call him Jesus he came to love heal and forgive more importantly he lived and died to buy my pardon and empty grave is there to prove My Savior Lives and then in verse the third stanza we're going to sing this twice later and then one day I'll cross the river I'll fight life's final war with pain and then as death gives way to Victory I'll see the lights of glory and I know he lives one day we will say all of this together death is swallowed up in Victory let us bow our
00:48:03 heads in prayer Our Father we give you thanks for the hope that maketh not ashamed for the glory that fadeth not away we thank you that one day we will experience this because the Lord Jesus he gave his life he died for our sins he rose again from the dead and that is a promise to us to all who believe on him that we will one day be resurrected together as he was raised to life we thank you now father for this hope that we can look forward to that whatever comes our way whatever visites or circumstances in life we can look
00:48:38 forward to the resurrection and know that whatever we suffer here on Earth is just but for a temporary time being we thank you for this hope that is found in our Lord Jesus Christ and we thank you in his worthy and precious name now let us rise to sing our final song thank you you brother William I think I'll miss my red hair during the resurrection they call Jesus he came to heal and [Music] foret he bled and died to my an empty grave is St to Pro [Music] myor Because He Lives I Can Face tomorrow
00:50:19 because he all Fe [Music] is because I know he holds the F and life is worth the living just because it's heing [Music] and one day cross [Music] theer no will [Music] and is way to viam the right of Glory I know because he my get face [Music] [Applause] to he oh Fe is God because I oh he hold the V and like this the living just be and one day [Music] CR [Music] rer the world [Music] with and his way to be tree I'll see the light of Glory I he I can f tomorrow [Music] all fear is God because I know he hold
00:54:24 the and my is well the living Because He Lives Because He Lives I Can Face to borrow all fear is God because I know hold the future and like this world the living [Music] and this world the living just because he 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and the Very God of Peace sanctify you holy and I pray God your whole whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and all of God's people say amen thank you all and have a blessed Sunday