Matthew 6:1-15

The Lord’s Prayer (Part 2): Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done


William Ngeow

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00:00:01 today's scripture reading is taken from Matthew chapter 6 verse 1-1 15 Matthew chapter 6 verse 1 to 15 verse one be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them if you do you will have no reward from your father in Heaven so when you give to the needy Do not announce it with trumpets as the Hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to be hon by others truly I tell you they have received their reward in full but when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your

00:00:40 right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you and when you pray do not be like the Hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others truly I tell you they have received their reward in full but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for

00:01:19 they think they will be heard because of their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him this then is how you we should pray Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debors and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from the evil one for if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly

00:01:56 father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins this is the word of God testing good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ can you hear me good morning okay all right thank you very much for the reading today we are looking at uh the second phrase in the Lord's Prayer and there is uh thy kingdom come before we start let us come to the Lord in prayer Our Father we come before your presence we thank you that we can come before you and have access to speak to you and to

00:02:35 have this relationship with you and call you our father simply because your son gave his life that we may become sons of God father we just pray and ask that even as we consider our Lord's prayer that we will truly understand what it means to pray thy kingdom come we pray that you will help us to enthrone our lord Jesus as King in our lives we ask this in in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen all right so we have read this morning uh Matthew um chapter 6 oh wait next week's uh yeah um so next week will

00:03:13 be part three so today is part two uh give us this day our daily bread forgive us our sins and Deliver Us from Evil by Brother John uh in Gold We Trust so that's the parable of the rich man Lazarus uh pastor Raymond Raj and for God so loved the world part one uh by Uncle Arnold okay so today's passage will be on Luke chapter 6 but before we start um just now we had a reading from Matthew chapter 6 so there's a good reason for that so it's a it's good to recap I believe last week you should have covered um our Father in heaven

00:03:49 Hallowed be thy name right so there is a list of things that the Lord prayed for in these five verses in Matthew chapter 6 so the first two know that it's almost the halfway point through the Lord's Prayer is really concerning actually nothing about us it's everything to God so half the prayer is all about God and then the second half of the prayer is about us so the first part that we're looking at our Father in heaven Hallowed be thy name is really concerning the worship of God and then the one that

00:04:23 we're looking at today thy kingdom come concerns not the worship of God but the work of of God and the last one concerning God thaty will be done concerns the will of God about us what does it concern give us this day our daily bread physical needs then what about forgive us our depths in Luke chapter 11 it says forgive us our sins so that is our spiritual need and then the last one lead us on to Temptation Deliver Us from Evil concerns our moral need so three things about God three things about us so um it's there is a lot in

00:05:05 the sense to cover um for this particular section and what happens is this if we take the prayer Lock Stock and Barrel just as a something to memorize that's not the point because remember you we read earlier not vain babblings is not just you know reciting the same words there is more to it than just reciting we are looking at what it means to pray because there are different ways to pray and in in other words when we say thy kingdom come there is a meaning behind it and we look at other Bible passages to actually unlock

00:05:39 the meaning of these phrases so Luke chapter 6 um we'll read through uh just these seven verses together Luke chap 6: 20 and verse 26 I'll read it to you and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said Blessed Be PO for yours is the kingdom of God blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast your name out as evil for the son

00:06:12 of man's sake Rejoice ye in that day and leap for Joy for behold your reward is great in heaven for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets but woe unto you there Rich for ye have received your consolation woe unto you there for ye shall hunger woe unto you that are that are laughing now that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets very similar to what we call The Sermon on the Mount or the

00:06:49 Beatitudes that our Lord spoke in Matthew Chapter 5 but only a small section is compared to that one over there and there were no woes mentioned there only W mentioned here we're going to look at this particular passage to see what the kingdom of God is we look at this passage to see what the kingdom of God is all right now first take a look in a sense there are four things that are blessed and there are four things that are woes we'll look into this and more detail we look at the woes first and then what it means to be

00:07:27 blessed so first question what is a kingdom all right now we all live in our beautiful country called Malaysia right in Malaysia you know everyone here I believe grew up in school right Kanga school perhaps all right most of us at least all right uh not maybe nowadays more private and Internationals but for us who grew up in kabanga and who can remember your rukara I I saw a hand go out over the other side anybody willing to recite it for us five phrases you know not that difficult you've been saying it every

00:08:08 week at school you know anyone want to try nobody want to try everyone everyone patriotic but very shy okay okay so it's okay I'll put it on the list all right so there our ragar right there right five principles so rukun nagar really stands for the national principles all right now why did I bring this up is because Malaysia do we have a kingdom in the sense we do yes we do have Kings we have Sultans but Malaysia is a um what we call a constitutional monarchy so we have a constitution and based on that

00:08:48 Constitution we are being ruled over as a country and one of the things in that rukara is the what we call the all right which is the supremacy of our constitution so what's the point of bringing up what Malaysia is is it a kingdom the reason why I'm bringing this up is because every country every Kingdom in a sense has its own set of laws its own rulers its own culture etc etc but the question that we want to ask is it just a place is a kingdom just a geographical location and the Lord gives an answer in John 18 verse

00:09:35 36 he says my kingdom is not of this world not of this world it's not the same as the kingdom of this world the kingdom of God is very very different it's not confined to a place that's what the Lord Jesus saying it's not referring to a country not a location so what is it what is a kingdom remember there a constitution every kingdom is an Administration that's what the Bible is saying the kingdom is an Administration it's a it's in a sense like a government all right it's a way of living there's Authority there are

00:10:06 laws there are culture policies and rules and priorities but more than that if you realize every single country in the world there is a pattern there is a headit of a no sorry but disappeared sorry could you bring you back up every state has every country has a head of state it's ruled by someone so a kingdom really is is the state of being ruled over by a king so the word Kingdom you know you can talk a bit about English you know so if you are in the state of being bored you call you call it borom right it's a state so this is a

00:10:48 state of being ruled over by a king all right I hope I don't bore you but anyway the reign of a king that's a kingdom so the kingdom of God is really saying this is a place is it a place or this is a state not a place right a state where God's Authority God's rule God's way of life God's will God's priority God's laws are in force so that's what the kingdom is especially what the kingdom of God is we're going to look at that phrase thy kingdom come in three parts okay so first we're going to look at the

00:11:24 word Kingdom what the kingdom of God is not just the word Kingdom on his own the absence of God's kingdom then we look at the phrase thy kingdom so what is the kingdom of God the attributes of God's kingdom and the third part thy kingdom come the arrival of God's kingdom what does that mean for us today implications are abounding anyway the first one so the word Kingdom the absence of God's kingdom just the word Kingdom now the Lord Jesus taught by way of contrast compare and contrast like apples and

00:11:59 oranges okay and um that's what he did in Luke chapter 6 that we read just now the Blessed versus the woe right so what does it really mean first thing he tells us what the kingdom of God is not he says there woe unto you that are rich wow uh honestly a lot of people here you know if you got money you sure say I this preacher I don't like this preacher yeah straight away W you he's like cursing me no no no okay that's not the point that's not what Lord is trying to say right read in context let's go

00:12:32 through it together woe unto you who are rich for you have received your consolation woe unto you that are full for you shall hunger laugh mourn and weep speak well of you for so did their fathers to the prophets the false prophets not just any Prophet so what does it really mean these four things is the Lord Jesus now these are the words of the Lord Jesus if you have a Bible usually in red this is he saying woe to you when things are going well in your life is you know um it's so sad you know that you're doing well in your life

00:13:10 I don't think that's what Lord is trying to say it's not quite what he was getting at he was saying that woe to you when these things are your only priorities woe to you when these things are your kingdom these things now become your kingdom they are the only things that matter so what the kingdom of God is not it's not about power because if you have wealth if anyone has wealth they generally have a lot of power okay they can affect things that most of um most of us can't okay so um you can move

00:13:46 a lot of things okay next is about the kingdom of God is not about material Comfort says W to you they are full the kingdom of God is not about success and it's not about recognition now is it wrong to have these things let's let's take a look at uh what the the Lord says in further detail okay are any of these inherently wrong is it wrong to have power is it wrong to have material Comfort is it wrong to have success and recognition is it wrong to have money not wrong exactly not wrong but let's

00:14:17 see why okay now the word um laugh right they says woe to you that laugh you know for you shall weep and mourn right the word laugh in the GRE Greek you can also translate it in the sense as gloat and that is really the key to understanding this passage it's a bit of a mocking laughter it's like saying you know oh you know you are you know you lost you know haha I won you know it's a mocking laughter is gloating over people and why were they were they counted as gloating okay why were they counted as gloating it's not inherently

00:14:55 bad to have these things this nothing wrong with power nothing wrong wrong with success nothing wrong with material Comfort nothing wrong with recognition this what's wrong is if that becomes your kingdom your idol it becomes your ordering principle your rule of life or your operating system what does that all mean it means that is the first and most important thing in your life most important thing for me is to have recognition oh so I must work my career and really make myself a good living and then so that people can

00:15:28 recognize me is it wrong to have these things not in itself is wrong but if your priorities are this is number one in my life this is my king then it becomes wrong okay so gloating in a sense is then taking the idea of these things being the only thing that I'm ever going to work for the kingdom of this world is a self- serving Kingdom right so these are the things that people usually would want in their after I want people to serve me I one and everything else is serving me and nothing else um I will have to serve

00:16:06 or no one else so who we spend our time with who we choose to have friends where do we live you know how do we spend our time and who do we date oh I will only date this person if that person got money you know so that becomes your remember the word ordering principle your rule of Life your operating system is that the most important thing in life for example so if the main thing in my life are these things then everything I want to do has to do with these things and they become my masters they become my king and the Lord Jesus

00:16:40 is saying woe to you now what does the term woe to you really mean right woe to you is not to say you know this is a curse upon you you know that you know you have to do this no the Lord Jesus is not cursing the word wo in the sense it's hard to translate in English but it has the same effect as I feel sorry for you I beware okay that's another way of putting beware um I feel ah you know it's such a terrible loss for you I'm sorry to hear that okay um I'm going to ask a a question uh who here has taken

00:17:16 SPM I have taken SPM okay can put higher I cannot see a lot of people never take SPM before yeah okay if it's not SPM then likely you would have taken MC e who has heard MCE W God okay ah so many MC okay so you have just revealed your age okay now if I think SPM and or if you take MC now in Malaysia very interesting right you have to take no matter what Bahasa Malaysia right basa all the time was Bahasa malayu it was wasn't B Malaysia yet and you know um there were other subjects that you would take also you

00:17:59 you know maths you know you take English you take science and all that kind of stuff now imagine this if I have a classmate right and say he's so good at maths you know he's very good at maths and then he he s for his SPM or MC he got you know I got 98 you know for my maths and he looked at someone else a you only got a 75 you know actually I do better you I'm 98 you know you only 75 you know but the guy with the 75 says you know all I see you do every day is just MS know just mats mats mats but all the other

00:18:34 subjects are neglected and he failed his b the guy who got Sai for Ms pass his BM also what can he say to the guy who got 9 in his Ms but you fail your entire MC you know fail entire SPM he's going to say w to you I feel so sorry for you I feel Al last for you you know a you know I feel sorry for you so in a sense it's he he may be very very good at M but that's the only thing he ever concentrated on to the neglect of all else you know he neglected everything else and this is what the Lord Jesus is trying to say here that's

00:19:12 the effect he's saying that if you only work for material wealth and that's the only thing you work for you will get it but I feel sorry for you because that's the only thing you're going to get if you work for recognition only recognition I'm sorry that's the only thing you're going to get IAS for you how terrible for you so why okay W to you there Rich you have received your consolation you have received it's in the past tense you have received but then now you shall hunger you shall mourn and weep and why um about the

00:19:43 speaking well false prophets they also had recognition but they were false prophets they didn't have God in their lives they never had God they had they were very well spoken of but they never spoke the truth they didn't have God in their lives oh yeah they may have all these things at what cost at what cost so beyond that if these things are your main goal remember if these things are your priority that's the only thing that we will ever get right so if you receive your comfort is the only comfort you

00:20:13 ever receive the deepest stelf more important stuff you will never get what's the more important stuff it is not purely a material Pursuit that's what the Lord Jesus Christ say this life has more than that there is a spiritual value to things now we look at a parable okay so lessons of uh from the rich fool all right so in Luke chap 12: 16- 21 I won't read the whole thing just read exerpts saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully okay it was a very fertile ground imagine I

00:20:43 have a Farmland and then he says Ah I have no room to bestow my fruits I have no place to store my fruit okay is in a sense that trying to say yeah I am so rich but I have I I I cannot open enough bank accounts to put my money because the bank account you know Can Only Hold hold so much then he says this will I do I'll pull down my BNS and build greater bigger BNS and I will bestow all my fruits and all my goods and he says to himself my soul soul thou has much Goods laid out for many years you have a lot

00:21:13 of ahead of you in your lifetime you have so much plentiful just eat drink and be merry and then God says Thou fool this night thy Soul shall be required of thee then who shall those things be which thou has provided so if you read at face value you say a means I cannot sa for retirement you know that's what God saying no the key is the last verse so is he that lay up treasure for himself full stop and is not rich toward God so if the only thing you're worrying about is this then God is saying you have your

00:21:51 priorities upside down it's important for you to put God first and everything else will fall in FA seek first the kingdom of God and you and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you so more unto you who does not live in Kingdom of God if you live in this in this life and the kingdom of yours your king is anything else but God or anyone else but God when I say anyone I'm referring to it can be your spouse your family members your children your father your mother anybody can be your

00:22:23 king it will distort your life and the worst thing that God can do is to let you just have it and nothing else because sometimes we insist on our way all right in the Old Testament there is a very interesting story about this man called King Hezekiah okay King Hezekiah in the book of second Kings chapter 20 veres 1-6 Hezekiah was um sick he was falling very ill and he was going to die it was terminal illness because Isaiah went up to Hezekiah and says to him thus says the Lord set your house in order for you are going to die

00:22:59 and not live imagine if I got that news SI it's like I got a death sentence you go to the doctor and says you don't have much long to live you have only three months set your Affairs in order that was what Hezekiah experienced so he was so grief he turned his face to wall and says I beseech thee Oh Lord remember now that I walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and done all the and Hezekiah web saw oh Hezekiah was saying Lord I have lived a good life before you please don't let me die please don't let me die

00:23:30 and guess what God answered and came to pass Isaiah was gone the middle C and then came back turn again tell Isiah tell the captain of my people thus say the Lord the god of David thy father I have heard thy prayer I've seen thy tears behold I will heal Thee I will heal you God says and what's the last verse I will add unto thy days 15 years 15 years okay so Follow The Story So Far King Hezekiah sick prayed God heals him he's granted 15 years extra time on lease okay what happened and Hezekiah SL his

00:24:12 fathers and manesse his son reigned in his State now manesse was one of the one of the most evil Kings in Judah he would um re he place you can he puts all the idols back in the temple of God he undid all the good that his father had done he actually sacrificed his children to pagan gods he was a very evil King he turned all of Israel and not all of Judah away from God very evil King one of the most evil Kings now interestingly enough when did manesse start reigning the chapter right after Hezekiah reads manesse was 12 years old

00:25:08 when he began to reain now do are Matha okay coming back to mats again okay manesse when he became king was 12 and his father died but he died 15 years late two things either Mrs Hezekiah had a very very long pregnancy which is three to four times the normal length or manesse should never have been I do two things and if you think about it when Hezekiah was going to die he was telling God I am dying prematurely I don't want to die yet there's no air to the throne and God says I give 15 years three years

00:25:52 later from that point he had a cute baby boy he must have been very thrilled but he turned out to be a monster manesse was never quite supposed to be there if Hezekiah died on time but he was dramatically converted towards the end of his life but was unfortunate because he could not turn is Israel or you can say Judah back to God because of everything they had set motion it's one of the most dramatic conversions in Old Testament if you read it it's amazing because he call upon the name of the Lord when he was already in

00:26:29 Exile but what's the real lesson the most important lesson here is that we can insist on our own way with God and God may give it to us but you we will reap the consequences so when we say God I want my kingdom to be this and this only and God says okay fine I'll let you have it there are consequences because God is not in the picture he's just letting you go as it were okay so that that's the absence of God's kingdom woe unto you if all these things are the main priorities in your life now we move on to the next part not

00:27:06 just the kingdom what does thy kingdom mean the attributes of God's kingdom what the kingdom of God is so blessed are the poor the hungry the those who are Weeping The Grieving and those who are excluded if you are hated for my name's sake etc etc now all things you can consider under four headings the poor the weak the griev the excluded now a face value again sounds like you say God is saying the Lord Jesus saying if you want to be in the kingdom of God you have to be poor you have to be weak you have to be griev you

00:27:38 have to be excluded sounds very sad to be a Christian I don't really want to be a Christian sounds that way right at face value but is it so again this not quite what the Lord is teaching so how do we interpret this passage the key is the last verse verse um 23 for the son of man's sake poor and hunger and weeping and Men it's for the son of man's sake and not just that if it's for the son of man's sake it's not the physical thing it's about God it's a spiritual thing so not anyone not everyone who is poor is

00:28:21 blessed neither is everyone who is hungry or weeping or excluded is blessed but say if it's for the son of man's sake what are we giving the description of is really a description of the kingdom of God is a description of a Christian I think we may have heard of it before Matthew Chapter 5 the Beatitudes is a really really just a long description of what a Christian is we'll look at that just very briefly towards the end so when you say blessed be poor for yours is the kingdom of God is it really about

00:28:48 being physically poor no it's not about being physically poor there were many Christians who were wealthy Joseph of arthia he was a wealthy man but they used their wealth for the good of the kingdom of God but it doesn't mean that they had to be poor because one thing they never trusted in their riches when you say blessed be poor the key is found in Matthew Chapter 5 the beatitude says blessed are the poor physically materially poor in spirit and in the Book of Luke in this particular chapter that we read does not

00:29:28 capture that but Matthew does poor in spirit when we talk about being hungry Matthew Chapter 5 also talks about hungering and thirsting after righteousness not hungering and thirsting after physical food different the Lord uses these terms but with a spiritual twist so when we say poor in spirit is really what we need we need to be spiritually hungry we need to be spiritually poor if we are ever to receive God's salvation all how does that work work but anyway let's take a look at next phrase verse um look at

00:30:02 David and BBA okay so when David Sinn he says um against thee and against the only have I sin when he committed adultery in Psalm 51:17 says that the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a spirit that is poor poor in spirit a broken and a contrite heart oh God you will not turn you will not despise God is trying to say if you come to me and tell me that I have everything set in that is not poor in spirit that's something else so we are not Christians if we are not poor in spirit we are not Christians if we are middle class in

00:30:37 spirit what does that mean let's look at the word middle class okay if you are middle class you got saying that I don't need charity I'm not going to get a hand out I don't want to take any of those free stuff you know that's for poor people right that's that's the way most middle class people will think I have worked hard I've lived a pretty decent life and therefore God should listen to me and answer my prayers I don't need God's Gift of Salvation because I'm not really that bad person that's being

00:31:02 spiritually middle class you're not really poor in spirit what does it mean to be poor in spirit poor in spirit really means you're looking for a charity and handout poor in spirit means acknowledging that I'm spiritually bankrupt before God I have no right things that I've done all the good I've done nothing you know good most of the things I've done are bad and the things that I've done that are good are done for the wrong motives not the right motives and I do need God's forgiveness I need God's Christ that's what it means

00:31:32 to be poor in spirit and that's what the Lord is saying blessed are the poor in spirit not until you're spiritually poor spiritually hungry will you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior if we say we are ah I'm actually quite good I you know I can go to heaven and just tell God you know like you know I've done quite a lot of good things that means you're just not spiritually poor and here spiritually poor will really allow you to recognize that you are a person who should grieve over your

00:32:00 sins and really admit your sinner before God and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior now for those who are Hunger sorry for those are hungry you shall be filled why because Lord Jesus says I am that bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger never thirst never hunger never thirst the Lord Jesus saying this spiritually if you come to me I will fulfill it the implication is that if we are poor in spirit truly truly understand understanding what it means to be spiritually hungry it will really move

00:32:31 you into our current realm you will have a heart for the literally and the materially poor and hungry you will reach out to the people who are excluded who are grieving and who are Weeping and they are oppressed and marginalized people who normally you wouldn't want to be with so that's what a real Christian would be like so although we may be middle class in terms of our status most of us are we well off or well accomplished but before God if you know that you're spiritually bankrupt that will really

00:33:02 move you really move your hands to reach out to those who are excluded who are messed up who are oppressed it really change your attitude so why does the people why do the people in the kingdom of God weep more it's because we don't stay away from people whose lives are going bad it's not just about me building my kingdom here it's about the people who are in the kingdom of God and if you spend time with those people you will be drain too and there is an article that has been written I cannot find the source but I can find

00:33:33 that it's you know um replicated multiple places it says that according to recent studies four to 5,000 pastors quit a year and it's not because they lack faith in God not because they have they don't have a calling not because of financial reasons but because they are overwhelmed with mental exhaustion what does it mean because why pastors the Shepherds the elders these people they counsel broken marriages they comfort those who have suffered losses in FBC you can speak to your elders you will know what they

00:34:05 see you will know what they endure the negativity you know the continue caring for the Sheep they pour themselves out and out and out they weep blessed are those who weep because this weeping shows that you are caring for God's people you are in God's kingdom this is what God's kingdom is like blessed are you and Men shall H you for for the son of man's sake so what does it mean true Christianity that's a quote from JC raal will cost the man the favor of the world he must be content to be thought ill of by man if he pleases

00:34:39 God you can't please God and man you have to please only one he must count it no strange thing to be mocked or ridiculed or slandered or persecuted even hated Christians are persecuted all over the world number one now in the world is North Korea on the right hand side those are the places in red even Malaysia you know it has popped back up on this map you can look and open open to find out more these are stats more than 365 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution etc etc lots

00:35:08 of numbers take a look at in your own time for the son of man sake what does it really mean if you do these things as a Christian remember if we are trying to seek our life here by building our own kingdom finding and you know making Kings out of things in this world you are going to lose your life for who will save his life shall lose it you're trying to find your life here on Earth the Lord Jesus saying I'm sorry you will lose it but if you are willing to lose your life for my sake that life here on

00:35:39 Earth is just a passing through and then you will find it you will find it in me so if you fight for it and say that I want my life here I want my Kings to be here you will lose it you you say my king is in heaven you will find it so so we have already looked at what the attributes of the kingdom are last one thy kingdom come the arrival of God's kingdom what does it mean to pray thy kingdom come how does the kingdom of God relate to prayer which is the main topic of today we have already considered what

00:36:15 the kingdom of God is and what it's not how does it relate to prayer because remember the main topic today is about the Lord's Prayer When you pray thy kingdom come you can look at it two ways one you can see it as a literal and yet future thing you can say Lord thy kingdom come I pray that you will come faster so that I can go to heaven faster but is it really what it means to pray that kingdom come because God already has set the date and now you're trying to make it move forward you know is it's

00:36:44 as though I pray harder he going to come sooner not quite so right but actually that's one way of looking at it but it's not the only way of looking at it when we pray thy kingdom come this phrase that we have been considering this morning is really about recognizing the sovereignty of God the lordship of Christ and the jettisoning of my own agenda for his agenda we're not looking so much at the phrase thy will be done today it's more thy kingdom come first but if thy kingdom come if I'm asking for my king

00:37:17 to come I'm saying that I want to be submitting to his kingship that means if I want him to come as king I want him I want his will to be done in my life and if you think about it where is the kingdom of God I think that may be the wrong question to ask because we know it's not a place right but having said that the Lord does say something about it he says that it is within you that is the place in a sense although it's not a physical place a place in which God exercises his kingship in you and in me in everyone who believes the

00:37:58 Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and savior he can Reign right now in Luke chapter 17 verse 20 and 21 it says there one of the Pharisees asked him when the kingdom of God should come and he said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation you just you don't look for it why neither shall they say l here or is there for behold the kingdom of God is within you it's among you it's now is another passage Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God shall be will be for the kingdom of God is is a present tense for

00:38:44 you know in in righteousness in peace and joy it's here now it's in you it's in me what does that mean if we acknowledge God not just God if we acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as our King his kingdom is within us so God's kingdom is not a place but rather a relationship J puts it this way it exists wherever people enthrone Jesus as Lord of their lives God's kingdom within you and within me so what are the implications what are the lessons when you say thy kingdom come you're saying I want God's kingdom to be here right here

00:39:24 right now what does it mean thy kingdom come means my kingdom go thy kingdom come means my kingdom go whatever your kingdom is can be the priorities of life on Earth Kingdom of power material comfort of success and recognition because all these things if that's the only Pursuit you have that is your king or it can be again your spouse your family members you know your friends it can be the approval of men it can be anything as long as it's not the Lord Jesus Christ is not God it's not his kingdom

00:39:58 that's implication number one implication number two is a little more interesting when you say thy kingdom come is really to say I want what has been done to me to be done likewise to others to when you say thy kingdom come is to love others as the King has loved me there's more to it than remember the Lord Jesus he served you know and then he um washed the disciples feet it's an upside down Kingdom right because usually most of the people in this world they want to be the you know up in high positions I want

00:40:30 people to serve me that will show that I'm great but the Lord Jesus says the greatest in the kingdom of God is not the one who served but the one who serves the greatest among you in FBC the greatest are the ones who serve others that is what the kingdom of God is if you say thy kingdom come that means I want I want you Lord to change me to serve others and not be served to love others as the King has loved me the law of Christ is mentioned in the RO in Romans 13:8 and Galatians CH 2:s uh 6:2 it says there bear ye one another's

00:41:05 burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ what is this law of Christ it really is love because the law Jesus in Matthew chapter 22 says love the Lord thy God love thy neighbor as thyself upon these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets now we can say oh if that's a case right then we can fulfill the law all just by you know um loving God and loving um my neighbor as myself but throughout history has been proven that you cannot fulfill the law it's just not possible because we are sinful human

00:41:40 beings and the Lord Jesus came to take the penalty in exchange so that we now can love others not because of ourselves not with a self motive not with because Christ has died for me it replaces my motive for everything that I do you know that is thy kingdom come so remember the four things we look at poor in spirit when you say thy kingdom come means keep me humble spiritually poor don't tell God that you know oh I have merits with you I earn something with you no keep yourself humble you say that Kingdom Come Lord

00:42:17 please keep me humble move my hands to give to others who are in need because Christ though he was rich yet for our s he became poor when you see about hunger and thirst remember those who thirst and hunger after righteousness it's about Justice it's about oppression if God is the king of this world there will be no such thing as oppression and Injustice there's no such thing as people living for themselves no such thing as suffering or death so we are asking God please move against these things and make things

00:42:44 right of course there's a more literal sense of actually feeding the poor the feeding the hungry now those who are Weeping if you know people who are grieving move my hands to reach out to those who are grieving bear ye one another's burden everyone in church should look after one another what about the excluded in our midst of course there are a lot of people who are actually not from Malaysia right there just foreigners or you can say you know people who are not um from town you know not even from K subang move me to reach

00:43:20 out to these people who are isolated who are you know lonely if they are unloved or unwanted by Society the fatherless the widows the foreigners those who are without support in Deuteronomy chapter 24 God gives a provision if you forget something in a field when you're harvesting don't go back to get it why leave it for who God is thinking about people you know God is saying if you forgot something just leave it behind why so that who can take it the stranger the orphans the fatherless and the Widow those who have

00:43:52 no one to support them you can actually feed them the Beatitudes really is you know a summary of what the Christian should be like but we won't go to the details of it we've only done four there's so many more today we only look at an example of what the kingdom of God is like only example but why why should we do all these things that's the question that we should ask what did the Lord Jesus Christ do for you to be in his kingdom what did he do so he can say to you yours is the Kingdom of Heaven

00:44:24 yours is the fullness you will be filled what did he do when you say Blessed Be he how can you say yours is the Kingdom of Heaven is because we we couldn't go up to heaven what did he do he brought Heaven down the Lord Jesus Christ though he was rich yet for our sakes he became poor so that we may be rich that's what he did for us who hunger now how can you say you shall be filled because on the cross he said I thirst on the cross he said I thirst for who for you and for me the very thing that we should have

00:45:02 said I but he said it for us he was there on our behalf blessed are you that weep now you shall laugh and rejoice why because our lord Jesus he was the Man of Sorrows the Sorrows that are yours and mine if we were not Christians if we are not going to heaven he bore all that for us blessed men are ye when men shall hit you why because he said my God my God why have you excluded me so that now I can be accepted in your kingdom I should have been excluded but he was excluded for my sck what did the Lord Jesus

00:45:36 Christ do for you to be in his kingdom he really was reversing places with you and me he gets what we deserve and we get what he deserve Kings usually live at the cost of others lives but this King we live at the cost of our King's life very different so the Lord Jesus he brought the Kingdom of Heaven down so maybe our prayer in a sense to be just like our King who came and serve and gave his life he came to give his life a ransom what does the Lord say to about the Good Samaritan you know when he was you know

00:46:22 being good and you know taking care of the one who was slate by the way side he said he showed Mercy on him and Jesus said go and do thou likewise our lord Jesus he's not just the Good Samaritan he's the great Samaritan he showed us mercy and why is he saying to you and me go and do likewise that's what it means to pray thy kingdom come that we will show heaven to others as Christ has showed heaven to us thy kingdom come that's what he's trying to say so maybe our prayer thy kingdom come thy will be

00:47:02 done before we sing our final song Let us just have a quick word of prayer Our God and our father the disciples to pray as we consider our father the words of our savior this morning of how he taught us to praise you and to worship you praise you for what you have done to uh for us to worship you for who you are to us we pray our father that we may then be moved to pray thy kingdom come and thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven we pray our father that when we pray thy kingdom come it will mean my kingdom go we pray

00:47:47 thy kingdom come it will mean that we will reach out to those who are poor in spirit those who hunger those who weep those who are excl excluded isolated who are oppressed who are marginalized and we pray father that we may learn to be more and more like our Our Savior our Lord Jesus Christ that we may really truly learn what it means to be poor in spirit and to hunger and thirst after righteousness so father as we consider your word again we pray our father that you move our hands as we pray thy kingdom come we ask this in the

00:48:25 name of our Lord Jesus Christ shall We rise to sing our final song [Music] let's sing together oh glorious God oh God engages our [Music] hearts may Jesus Christ be wherever we [Music] are we ask not for ourselves but for your reown the cross has saved us so we pra your kingom come let your kingom come let your will be done so that every everyone might know your name let your song be heard everywhere on Earth to your soul work on Earth is done let your kingdom [Music] come give us your strength oh God

00:50:29 give us your strength oh God and courage to [Music] speak perform your wonders Deeds to those who are Lord use us as you want whatever test by Grace will preach your gospel go to our ding [Music] bre let your kingom come let your will be done so that every everyone might know your name and let your song be heard everywhere on Earth to your so work on Earth this sing let your kingdom come let your kingom come let your will be done so that every everyone might know your name let your s be heard everywhere on Earth till your

00:52:05 soul work on Earth is done let your king of come let your will be done so that every everyone might know your name your soul be heard let your soul be heard everywhere on Earth till your world on Earth is done let your kingdom come [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1 Thessalonians and chapter 5 and verse 23 and the Very God of Peace sanctify you holy and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and all of God's people say amen right have a blessed Sunday you me

00:53:27 now be SE