Matthew 26:36-46

Gethsemane: The Struggle Of Obedience


William Ngeow

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00:00:00 from Matthew 26: 36-46 then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane and he said to them sit here while I go over there and pray he took Peter and the two son of zebedy along with him and he began to be sorrowful and trouble then he said to them my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death stay here and keep watch with me going a little further he fell with his face to the ground and prayed my father if it's possible may this cup be taken from me yet not as I will but as you will then he returned to

00:00:35 his disciples and found them sleeping could you man not keep watch with me for one hour he asked Peter Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation the spirit is willing but the body is weak he went away a second time and prayed my father it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it may your will be done when he came back he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy so he left them and went away once more and prayed a third time saying the same thing then

00:01:07 he returned to the disciples and said to them are you still sleeping and resting look the hour is near and the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise let us go here comes my betrayal this is the word of God can everyone hear me good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ good morning morning all right so um before we begin let us just uh take a look at um what we have in terms of our sermons in the coming weeks so we'll have uh brother John Lee uh on the Theology of vocation and work and then the week

00:01:45 after happy are those who Delight is in the law in the law of the Lord by Victor on and also hezekiah's prayer for healing by Dr Peter uh the week after okay today's topic will be on GE seman the struggle of obedience and in particular Matthew chap 26: 36-46 as we have already considered but before we start let us commit the time to God In Prayer shall we bow our heads Our God and our father we thank you for the person of our Lord Jesus Christ your son who took the form of man and father how he went to the cross to

00:02:26 bear our sins in his own body on the tree father we thank you that he drank that bitter cup and we have sung this morning that cup was not removed and father as we Trace his steps to Calvary we now enter into the Garden of Gethsemane and father we acknowledge that we are standing on Holy Ground and father we just approach it with much humility with solemnity and father we just ask and pray that you open our eyes to behold wondrous things out thy law to un loose our ears to hear your voice and that

00:03:06 you'll soften our hearts to be transformed in the image of your son father we ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen right Matthew chapter 26 we have already mentioned that now um before we go into the passage proper let's take a look and see what was the Lord Jesus's final week like before he went to the Cross he first entered Jerusalem on a donkey this is in Matthew chapter 21 the day after we see him in the temple cleansing it from the tables of the money changes the Zeal of thine house have

00:03:54 eaten me up and then the day after the Pharisees started to question him who are you who gave you such authority to do these things was he really supposed to do that that was what they were asking and then he goes on and then he speaks again uh about the future events about end times and then after that the day after we see Judas carrying the bag of silver saying that he would betray the Lord Jesus and then the Thurs day we see the Lord instituting something we call the Lord's Supper the breaking of

00:04:35 bread and the drinking of the cup this do in remembrance of me that evening we see him praying in that garden and the garden is called Gethsemane and the meaning of Gethsemane is oil press and it's quite um fitting if I can put it that way it is a garden of olive trees and in order to get the oil it must be pressed and the Lord Jesus in a sense was pressed in that Garden John 18:2 for of times he often times resorted there he often times went to that garden with his disciples so that's where Judas that's

00:05:26 how Judas knew he would be there and this we read is the last time that he was there praying in Matthew chapter 26 so we have laid the context and we'll read the passage again one more time just to make it clear I know it's a bit small bear with me it's just 11 verses then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit ye here while I go and pray Yonder and he took with him Peter and the two sons of zebede James and John that is and began to be sorry sorrowful

00:06:00 and very heavy then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death T here wait here and watch with me and he went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou Wilt and he cometh unto the disciples and find them asleep and saith unto Peter what could ye not watch with me one hour watch and pray that ye enter not into temp ation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak he went

00:06:34 away again the second time in pray saying oh my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words then cometh he to his disciples and sayi unto them sleep on night now and take a rest behold the hour is at hand or is near and the son of man is betrayed in the hands of sinners rise let us be going behold he is a hand that do

00:07:10 betray me now we'll try to internalize the words that we've been reading today and we're going to consider three main points about the Lord Jesus the first of which we're going to consider his sorrow he says my soul is exceeding sorrowful now note that it was mentioned twice he began to be sorrowful he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy not that uh Peter James and John were being carried and that they were heavy he felt sorrowful he felt that heaviness

00:07:48 now let's first talk about his Humanity in order to understand his feelings we must first approach what it means to be human in Hebrews chapter 2:14 for as much then as the children we are the children are partakers of Flesh and Blood he also himself likewise to power the same sounds like very flowery language it's not easy to understand but essentially saying this in order to redeem mankind the Lord Jesus had to be made man himself for verily he took not on on him the seed of angels but he took on

00:08:26 him the Seed of Abraham he took not on him the form of an Angel Redemption wasn't for Angels Redemption was for man so he took on our flesh and blood and we read in Philippians chapter 2 he was he took upon the form of man that he may die as a man now with that established why does he need to do that he is our substitute but in order to be our substitute he had to identify himself with us there needs to be a Redemption so uh John Bloom puts it this way uh from Desiring God Jesus had to be made like

00:09:08 us in every respect so he could number one obey his father perfectly on our behalf the very thing which we could not do and offer himself as a once for all sacrifice to make propitiation for our sins now this is something that is not new um it's just a good reminder for us but this tells us how then we can enter into his feelings without God's identification with our Humanity fully in the Lord Jesus Christ there can be no Redemption of our Humanity at the cross for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the

00:09:46 feelings of our infirmities the word touch really is the word sympathize he can sympathize with us right because he's human if he's a man he can sympathize with us it's like saying this it's like saying if I if I'm not a father how can I really empathize with someone who has lost the son and here the Lord Jesus Took the form of a man so that he can feel our feelings he can feel our weaknesses he can feel our Temptations we read in Matthew chapter 4 he underwent a period of testing and trial the first one he was tempted in

00:10:28 terms of his appetite command that these Stones be made bread that's what the devil said to him if you can you know since he he felt hungry he he fasted for some time so he clearly felt that he needed food but what did he say men shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God now the next one he's tested in terms of his ambition it thou be the Son of God cast th down it was a challenge to him are you really the son of God are you really the Christ and if you are throw yourself down and the third

00:11:00 he was tempted in terms of his adoration bow down to me and all the kingdoms of this world will be yours but again he didn't give in he felt the Temptation that we all have sometimes in terms of our appetite what we see with our eyes what we feel with our flesh our hunger our thirst everything that we are tempted he has felt it before so we know it's authentic he's a man of Flesh and Bone uniquely indwelt by the divine nature who was in agony before a single nail pierced his flesh why we will see that

00:11:39 today in that struggle in the garden a struggle that gives us a glimpse into our Salvation now notice the words that we used now we go into the passage proper he was sorrowful and very heavy exceeding sorrowful even unto death now the word exceeding sorrowful there is used only five times in Scripture um the other four describes uh King Herod when he had to um give the head of John the Baptist on the charger um and also the Rich Young Ruler who didn't want to sell his Goods to have um a place in heaven so he was

00:12:19 exceeding sorrowful this is what the Lord Jesus felt so there are a lot of words to describe it and to be honest it's not easy to really really understand in language what the Lord Jesus Christ felt he was sorrowful he was distressed he was terribly distressed and full of misery he was crushed with anguish I think words really couldn't describe what he went through but we can examine his words and see exactly how that happened Psalm 42: 5 and 6 Psalm 43:5 why are thou cast down oh my soul why are you cast down

00:12:55 why are you set why what's going on you know in your turmoil and in your sadness so Isaiah 53:3 describes the Lord Jesus Christ as a man of Sorrows he despised and rejected a man a man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief whose sorrow was he carrying whose grief was he carrying and we know that it was ours our sorrow and our grief now many songs have been written about this the first one we can read up on the screen men of Sorrows what the name for the Son of God who came ruin Sinners to reclaim hallelujah what a

00:13:37 savior and in our modern day we have Hill song men of Sorrows Lamb of God by his own betrayed the sin of men and rough of God has been on Jesus laid so truly he was a man who felt our sadness he was a man who felt our sorrow he can understand our feelings so we consider then not just his sorrow we will also consider why he had that sorrow we consider his suffering now he says let this cup pass from me now coming back to the passage you'll see that the cup is mentioned twice oh my father if it be possible let

00:14:23 this cup pass from me and the second time he prayed oh my father if this this cup may not pass away from me he's talking about a cup now interestingly it's a very unusual word to describe something it was describing something that was coming now there were a number of things that would happen very soon he was going to be denied by Peter before the rooster before the cockro twice Thou shalt deny me Thrice he's not just going to be denied he's going to be betrayed we see Judas remember with the 20 pieces of silver 30 pieces of

00:15:13 silver and not just betrayed he was going to be deserted by the very disciples he asked come here into this garden with me ter here while I go and pray Yonder he'll be deserted by them and in Zechariah Chapter 13:7 Smite or strike the shepherd and the Sheep will be scattered so that was exactly what was going to happen and the Lord Jesus is going to be deserted by the very disciples who he had with him in the past 3 years finally he will be forsaken at the cross my God my God why has Thou forsaken

00:15:51 me do he know what was coming and I believe he did what will he go through in the next 24 hours he will go to the Cross he will lay down his life he will pour out his blood he will hand it to the Cross he will take the Roth of the Romans he will take the Roth of the leaders of the Sanhedrin now let's just take a pause for a moment and I like you to consider this with me which of the above is the cup that the Lord Jesus is speaking about have you decided which one now the answer really is none of the

00:16:44 above it would be a grave mistake on our part to assume that it was a physical suffering that the Lord Jesus was really dreading in fact must he really be exposed to the cup of God's unmitigated Roth for the sin of mankind that brothers and sisters is the cup that the Lord Jesus Christ dreaded so the cup really is a metaphor of God's WTH of God's anger against sin due to our sin and we know that it is not primarily as we have discussed his physical suffering because that's just a small portion of what he had to go through

00:17:32 what really he really really really had so much sorrow over is his coming spiritual suffering at the hands of his own God now in the Old Testament we are told that cup represents God's Roth uh it's written in Isaiah chter 51 it's written in Jeremiah 25 there other references but that's beside the point we know that it is God's Roth that he was about to partake 3 hours of Darkness at the cross of Calvary that is what he dreaded so for us as men you know we tend to like to see what is the outward physical appearance uh and we

00:18:17 tend to you know associate things with the physical so when we see the cross we really think of the nail pierced hands you know the crown of thorns upon his head you know the beating the smiting the spitting the buffeting all of that but really the Lord Jesus Christ it was the Roth of God that he had to bear that's the cup and it was given to him by the father so remember that Peter you know struck the um the ears of um someone and then you know the Lord says you know the cup which my father have given to me

00:18:54 shall I not drink it the cup is something that we as Believers will never need to partake and we can thank God for that and if there's anyone here who has not yet trusted the Lord Jesus Christ who has not yet believed that he truly is the Son of God who took away your sins at Calvary may I plead with you that cup has been drunk it has been taken at the cross of Calvary by the Lord Jesus on your behalf and all you need to do is belief Christ exhausted it once and for all at Calvary he drank every last drop and there's a very nice

00:19:38 um hymn uh that illustrates this the words consider them carefully the name of the him is called oh Christ what B bow thy head and the second stanza death and curse were in our Cup oh Christ it was full for thee it was full for you it's a full cup not a half cup but thou has drained the last dark drop everything it is empty now for me that bitter cup love drank it up now blessings draw for me my end cousin he has dreamed the last dark drop so in the face of all this what did the Lord Jesus Christ do we have

00:20:25 retraced his steps you know he went um he entered Jerusalem and then after that he went to the temple he met with the Pharisees and then you know he was going to be betrayed and then this was his last few days before his death so imagine this if if if you were told that you only had 24 hours to live what would you do the Lord Jesus did this he prayed so I don't know what we would do I don't know what I would do if I had 24 hours left to live but the Lord Jesus he prayed and this is really a huge lesson

00:21:17 for us huge the most important event in human history and before this what did he do he prayed so it tells us the necessity of prayer if the Son of God prayed how much more must we it is no excuse to say that we don't have time to pray the Lord Jesus he spent this time in prayer and we will examine that prayer in a little bit more detail after this so besides the necessity for prayer let's consider how did he pray the first thing we can consider we have already mentioned it quite a number of times is that he did it with

00:22:04 sadness right Hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 says who in the days of his flesh when he had offered up tears and prayers uh offered up prayers and supplication with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was hurt in that he feared now it was with strong crying and tears is not recorded for us in Matthew or you know some of the other gospels mention about swe in in Luke but here in the book of Hebrews recorded for us that he cried now I think there are times in our life where we pray until we cry because

00:22:41 of our circumstances and the Lord Jesus knew how that felt but the second thing that comes to mind when he prays is his solemnity and I doubt that we have ever been that far at least not for myself he prayed with sweat as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground the word agony there is really really unique in the Book of Luke 22 and verse 44 now if we were to pray in that garden with the Lord maybe we wouldn't really sweat because you know the temperature was not really the problem the the sweat

00:23:27 really was because of his Agony now the third point that we can consider about how he prayed he prayed in solitude he was alone now this is where the disciples were supposed to come in he was telling them you know um T here wait here and watch with me that was his request it's like saying you know um I'm on my own and I want some companionship that's was that was what he wanted watch with me but they failed and Psalm 69 actually puts it very nicely of what our lord Jesus went through and I looked for some to take

00:24:11 pity but there was none and for confidence but I found none has there been any time in our prayer life that we felt alone we pray and we pray and we pray and some somehow we know we just feel lonely that there is no one else to pray together with us if you felt that before rest assured that our lord Jesus has been through that very moment in his most needful moment of his life and it also tells us the necessity for corporate prayer now beside the point that the Lord Jesus he can only pray the prayer that he prayed for

00:24:58 himself he could not have prayed it with his um disciples because the disciples weren't given that cup only the Lord Jesus was given that cup so it was uniquely his prayer and no one else's but besides the point companionship in prayer Fellowship in prayer is important corporate pray is important now not just his sadness his solemnity his Solitude let's also consider something that was repeated now we have read the passage and notice how it says that um in that second paragraph he went a little

00:25:33 further and fell on his face and prayed and then the next paragraph he went away again the second time and prayed and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time three times he prayed now notice carefully that his words were very similar they weren't the same for the first two they were similar oh my father if it be possible so the start is the same oh my father the second one is if it be possible this the the first one sorry is if it be possible second if this cup may not pass away from

00:26:11 me and it ends the same way not as I will but as thou will thy will be done but the third prayer notice saying the same words the Lord Jesus in a sense was repeating his prayers so he prayed with steadfastness consider the first time he prayed he appealed to his father if it be possible remove this cup from me let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as th will he appeal is it possible is there any other possible way we'll look at that in more detail after this the second time he prayed if it's

00:26:55 not possible if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done he has finally accepted it not to say he can't accept it but he's asking God is there any other way is there any other possibility and here he saying that if there's no other possibility I will still drink that cup and notice remember the third time he said the same words he was affirming his father's will he's reiterating it he's repeating it and also that brings a very practical point to us but we'll look into that

00:27:35 later he's praying to be aligned to the will of God or align with the will of God and he's really putting into practice what he preached in Matthew chapter 6 thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven now is the time that he's really really making it happen that this prayer is really really really making it happen what about Matthew 6:7 you know uh the this is a important but yet um interesting a sign but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the Heen do the Lord repeated his prayer with the

00:28:13 same words so why the contradiction so really what it's trying to tell us here there's nothing wrong with repeating your prayers but not vain repetition it's not a Hail Mary and hoping that you know that it will just um you know magically those words will do something the prayer the repeated prayer is a heartfelt prayer that the Lord Jesus made it wasn't something that was just repeated out of you know um out of fear is not just repeated words it's a repeated prayer now he also had a stance he had a

00:28:58 posture posture and the posture was that he was falling down on his face it's the only time in Scripture that he prostrated he fell down before his father and it is really the lowest form of humility is really telling him telling us sorry of how much he wanted that to happen if it be possible have we cried to God this way before kneeling in his presence if it be possible let's examine this in more detail this is where we get a little bit meat here was he indecisive or did he start to doubt you know should I do this or

00:29:39 should I not do that and it would be really really doing great Injustice if if I may put it this way it may be Blasphemous to say that he would actually not drink that cup because if it's the father's will he could do nothing else but that if it be possible it really talks about the sensity of his human nature and how his heart really shrank from the worst that is to come he felt the horrors and he really really was just finding a way out if it is possible and he being human had the same reaction as

00:30:26 us but he would not even for a second think of turning away his face was set as a flint towards Jerusalem there was just no other way now what was the father's answer to the Lord Jesus now this is an interesting one and the answer is in the next slide if you see nothing you are right silence God was silent then there was no answer so when the father was silent now notice this the father always answered on other occasion at least most of the time and we read uh early on um when the Lord was being baptized you know this is

00:31:15 my well beloved Son in whom I well pleased there's a voice from Heaven God answers I will glorify your name I will glorify it again the father was not silent in those periods but here when the Lord Jesus Christ prayed if it be possible let this C pass from me and God was silent remember he spoke on other occasions but he was silent this time now was God able to save him was God able to do that Hebrews chapter 7 we read the same verse with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from

00:31:51 Death God was able to save him it's not that he wasn't heard either and was heard in that he feared we can't say that God never heard that prayer God heard every single word when the Lord Jesus prayed could he have saved him he definitely could but God made a choice he chose to save us instead he did not choose to save his son but he loved us and chose to save us I think there's much that we can be thankful for for to God for keeping silent in that prayer it's difficult what the Lord Jesus went

00:32:36 through but it was necessary now there's another hymn um there was no other way a god of love could find to reconcile the world and save a lost mankind he took the death of his own son upon the tree there was no other way but Calvary I think it's a very very meaningful himym there was no other way but Calvary essentially the prayer was really telling us that that this was the only option there was no plan B this was God's plan all along now we have finished our second part we have considered his sorrow we

00:33:18 considered his suffering now let us consider his surrender he surrendered to the will of his father saying thy will be done and remember we have considered the verse just now John chapter 18 let's read it again the cup which my father have given me shall I not drink it he has made up his decision at this point I will drink that cup the decision I believe has always been made but it is now clear not my will he had his own will but your will be done now um I wanted to consider a question what really motivates obedience and when you

00:33:56 talk about obedience right now um not sure how many of us here have a pet or at least a dog right so if you consider a dog um there one of the things that comes to mind when you talk about obedience obedience training for a dog and um they always motivated by what we call a treat right so who here has a dog oh one oh not many yeah okay sorry if you you can't relate but the next one I'm thinking about is maybe more relatable when I hear the word obedience I think about my mother so she used to Rotan me when I

00:34:40 was a kid like Kan right now um who here has been can before as a kid not many most of you must be very obedient huh naturally very obedient very good okay all right now for me now we my mother doesn't use the cane anymore and and to be fair to her she never really used it she used it as a threat okay so if you don't do this I will rot on you okay now um we have considered that the dog is motivated by treats and incentive right now here's something that is a flip side to it The Obedience here is motivated more by fear

00:35:25 of a certain consequence I'm scared of something and that's why I obey but the Lord Jesus when he obeyed he obeyed differently and this is really what motivated him he was motivated by love his love for his father for his God and where do we find this in scripture in John 14:31 but that the world may know that I love the father and as a father gave me commandment even so I do so if we love someone we would do something for that person if we love God we would also obey his Commandments same way what should

00:36:12 motivate our obedience is it fear is it a treat incentive is this what God God going is going to give me if I obey or is it really love John 14:15 if ye love me keep my Commandments this is what the Lord Jesus said so love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength with all your mind love him and that is how we can do his will so how did he obey how did he know what to do in a sense he already knew all these things but he did it according to the scriptures how then

00:36:57 shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be in verse 56 which we didn't read but this was all done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled he always had the word of God in mind according to the scriptures so our lesson for us our obedience should be according to the scriptures if the Bible says it we should do it you know why because God has say it has said it if God has said it we should do it if we really truly love him the Lord Jesus when he came lo I come now in Hebrews and chapter 10

00:37:35 wherefore when he cometh in the world he saith um sacrifice and offering th wouldest not God was not pleased with offering and sacrifices you know the blood of bulls and ghosts could never take away sin but a body has thou prepared me God has given him a body and in return he's going to return that body in sacrifice then said I lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will oh God I come to do thy will and the will of God was for him to be the sin offering for the entire

00:38:06 world the father's will as we see has always been in his foremost thought throughout his life and even in death and we see this even when he looks at his word in John 14:4 the word which he hear is not mine but the father's which sent me not just this word I think though his will is very clear I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me God and not just his will but also his works the Miracles that he does is the will of the father I have finished the work singular

00:38:44 which thou has gave which thou gavest me to do now this was before the Garden of Gethsemane in John chapter 17 interestingly enough it was already in the past tense he was not yet at the cross but he spoke as if it was already done and finally his witness I have greater witness than that of John for The Works which the father have given me to finish the same works that I do be witness of me that the father have sent me see how he always thinks about God in all that he does what is my father's will my meat

00:39:14 is to do the will of him that sent me my food that is his real will now what was the father's will the father's will we read in John chapter 39 uh John chapter 6 uh verse 39 and 40 but we concentrate on verse 40 the second part that everyone we seeth the son and Believe from him may have everlasting life life Everlasting that's really God's will for all of us he wants all to be saved if you were to just believe on his son and now moving on we see the difference between the first if it be possible and the second one if this cup

00:39:58 may not pass away from me now it this is mentioned in a negative adverb that is to say I can re translate this very quickly if it is not possible and the Lord is acknowledging that there is really no other way and that it it was his only option we have already mentioned that there is really no way but Calvary so important lesson here remember how the Lord prays prayer is not seeking to manipulate God it's something that we tend to do do we think of God like an ATM machine right I Kean what I want and then I get it out but

00:40:33 God is not quite like that prayer really is to seek not to manipulate him but to align our will with him to surrender to the will of God that is what prayer is really all about that's what the Lord Jesus shows us even in the Garden of Gethsemane not my will but as you will if there's really one take away for us it's really not as I will but as you will he learned obedience Hebrews chapter 5:8 um though he were a son learned he obedience by the things which he suffered he did not need to learn obedience by doing um from a position of

00:41:19 Disobedience which we usually go through he was different he already knew what obedience was but but he experienced it to the uttermost and what was new to him wasn't obedience what was new to him was the depth of that obedience in Gethsemane so he's really our example that we can look at looking onto Jesus the Au and finisher of our faith we have another hymn here turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus but for the sake of time we will move on John Piper says the lion of Judah is the Lamb who was slain he wins

00:41:53 our obedience by forgiving our sins and making his own obedience the Lord Jesus his own Perfection as the righteous one the basis of our acceptance of with God so that should motivate our obedience so whenever we pray I hope that we will say not my will but yours be done so that concludes the three part um that we will be looking at but nevertheless there is something else that is quite important that to add as a bit of an appendix he talks to the disciples and ask to watch and pray and just to summarize in a sense this is

00:42:33 what he was telling the disciples to do they fell asleep um they were tired um and we we see later on that Peter was also tempted to deny the Lord Jesus Christ so the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak the Lord Jesus did what the disciples failed to do he watched and prayed Peter denied the Lord Jesus Christ I really think that that was his moment where he the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak so how do we overcome our weak flesh the Lord Jesus gave us that example Watch and Pray so the watching here is

00:43:15 really about vigilance it gives the idea of um looking out being awake not falling asleep being watchful so don't fall asleep as as Christians don't be complacent keep watch be ready for our Lord's coming again keep watch and we see this repeated throughout scripture over and over and over again Mark chapter 13 act 20 1 Corinthians 16 Colossians 4 um 1 thess 5 Ephesians 6 you see that praying and watching come hand in hand now notice the last two because I think Peter really learned the hard way from his experience he was

00:44:01 supposed to watch and learn H watch and pray but he learned it the hard way but in the but the end of all things is at hand be therefore sober and watch unto prayer be sober be vigilant same word so watch and pray and how should our prayer be like will we too also kneel in Gethsemane before we sing our final song I would like us to consider how many times do we pray expecting things to go our own way we only want things to go a certain way I want my business to do well I want to get that job you know I want to be

00:44:44 healed of this sickness I want everything to go well I pray that I might have this I pray that I might have that but do we really want what God commands if God were to say no if he was silent just like he was to the Lord Jesus Christ will we obey will we say not my will but yours be done in Gethsemane that's where we find the lord of the world how he was there he was there even before us he knew what it was like to pray that prayer will we love him and choose his will that is really our question here

00:45:31 today we have considered what motivates obedience is love and the Lord Jesus he chose he made a choice to do the father's will not my will he's choosing between two not my will but your will be done he lived the life of obedience that we should have lived but we could not and he lived the death he died the death that we should have died God looks at us who believes and sees The Obedience of his son and I hope that will motivate us in our faithfulness will we love him and choose his will it's our prayer

00:46:15 today may we always say not my will but yours be done shall we close in prayer Our God and our father we come before you humble LED Again by what we saw at Gethsemane the Lord Jesus Christ even on his knees we see crying not my will but as you will and we pray our father that we may learn from our savior what it truly means to be obedient he was obedient even unto the cross because he loved you father we pray that our love may work strong even for our God because he first loved us and so father we just

00:47:05 pray may we always have this in mind not my will but yours be done we ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ shall we sing our final [Music] song Church man invite you to rise as we prepare to sing our response song which is I surrender all and maybe not just sing because the lyrics are there and we sing along but may what we sing truly reflects the decision in our hearts like how Jesus did may we imitate him to fully surrender all that we have to God according to his will [Music] let us sing Church All to

00:48:04 Jesus All to Jesus I surrender all to him I pr I will ever love and trust in me his presence daily live surrender [Music] all I surrender all all to be my bless the Savior as [Music] surr oh to Jesus life surrender home we at his I lovees all [Music] forsen me J Jesus take me now I [Music] Surrender I surrender all all to keep my a savior as surrender [Music] oh to Jesus surrender Lord I give myself to the fill me with thy love and power I blessing for on me I surrender all I surrender all all to keep my

00:50:49 BL saor I surrender all I surrender [Music] all I [Music] surrender oh to be my bless savior I surrender all just a voices I surrender [Music] all I surrender to him bless surrend the benediction for today 2 Peter chapter 3: 18 but grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen not my will but yours be done the service is now over and we are all dismissed