Ephesians 3:14-21

Cultivating The Inner Life


Leong Yew Lum

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00:00:02 today's passage is taken from the book of Ephesians chapter 3: 14- 21 this is the English Standard Version for this reason I bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on Earth is named that according to the riches of his glory he may Grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ May dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth

00:00:34 and length and height and depth to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think according to the power at work within us to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen this is the word of God thank you very much uh cing for reading the scriptures good morning church good morning it's great to be here in the house of the Lord to Worship You To

00:01:16 Worship together with you uh it's great to hear the stories from uh the mission team indeed it's more blessed to give than to receive and as we can hear them Testify the Lord certainly blessed them back uh in equal measure now we are still very much at the beginning of the year a time where many people would still be pondering and reflecting how they can better leave their lives this year than the last now I'm not sure if you believe in uh making new Year resolutions but if you must make one I'd

00:02:03 like to suggest that the content of Paul's prayer in the passage today will become the desire of yours you know all our desires in fact now this is a rich prayer and by that I mean it's asking a lot from God and Paul can do that because in the first chapter of Ephesians he has been articulating the immense spiritual riches that God children have in Christ let me just uh okay so for example in verse one of Ephesians okay chapter one it says blessed be the God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us

00:02:52 in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places verse 7 in him we have Redemption through his blood forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace 11 in him we have obtained an inheritance and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his great might so in verse 19 we we hear about God's immeasurable greatness of his power that is given to us now Paul is basically saying that all the gifts that he has mentioned here all

00:03:28 the inheritance all the power all right to live a Victorious Christian Life have been deposited into our bank accounts now on the basis he's now asking God to enable us to unlock to harness or to appropriate all those resources for living a powerful spirit filled life the main point of this passage is that we should seek and expect profound lifechanging spiritual experiences that will transform form Our Lives to be more Christlike now if I were to lay down a vision of what I hope to see FBC become

00:04:10 at the end of the year in fact from year to year it is this that every one of us would live out the Fulfillment of this prayer that Paul has so eloquently expressed here now it's such an important passage of the Bible I think all of us would do well to come back and revisit this every so often it is a prayer that I hope that all of us will constantly pray not only for ourselves but also for each other now before I carry on let us seek the Lord's blessing dear heavenly father we want thank you for this

00:04:47 opportunity to hear your word Lord I pray that your presence may be upon all of us and that your word may not return to your Void but may accomplish all that you purpose in our lives for we ask all this in Jesus name amen now the letter to Ephesians right is basically divided into two parts okay you have the first three chapters which Paul deals with the theme of how we have been saved by Christ our Salvation all the inheritance and the power that we have because we are now children of God so for the first three chapters Paul was

00:05:29 mainly dealing with Doctrine or theological information and then we have the chapters 45 and six right which basically talks about how in view of the knowledge that we have acquired to live out the Christian life therefore starting from chapter 4 there is this keyw there for those of you who are familiar with the book of Ephesians the word therefore so Paul is essentially saying that because of what I have described to you in chapters 1 to 3 now therefore go and walk okay go and walk the Christian Life go walk or to live life

00:06:14 in a manner worthy of your calling to which you have been called with all humility gentleness with patience bearing with one another in love and so on and so forth yet many of times our walk unfortunately is not worthy of the calling of God often instead of humility Pride reals his ugly head and our egos get in the way instead of gentleness we find harshness instead of patience impatience instead of bearing with one another in love we talk down and we talk back at one another and instead of maintaining the unity of the

00:06:55 spirit relationships in families in church become fractures through our differences and sometimes our indifference now is what Paul praying then here in Ephesians chapter 3 just a pipe dream is he describing that all these spiritual resources that we have are just for a special group or special class of Christians certainly not Paul's letter is addressed to all the Christians including you and me so the question in my mind is why is there often such a big disconnect between what a Christian should be what we should be and what

00:07:39 actually happens in reality we are told that all Christians have all the spiritual blessings needed to live a Victorious Christian Life and yet many of us find ourselves weak struggling needy and even for some of us who have been Christians for a long time I mean we heard this morning I mean Michelle and I thank her for her honesty sometimes we find dry seasons you know in our spiritual life I believe the answer can be found in Paul's prayer which interestingly is sandwiched between those two major

00:08:17 portions of the book in fact it is crucial to understand that before Paul begins to even talk about how to walk and what to do he precedes all that with asking God for his enablement okay so you can basically you know classify all right the first part of Ephesians all right to be uh knowledge to be Enlightenment okay now before getting into the engagement of Life there is in the middle part right the enablement okay the unlocking of God's power now we can certainly do all that is written in chapters 4 56 you know how

00:08:57 to live a marriage life a good marriage life life how to do all this how to relationship I mean we talks about relationship between parents and children and all this okay we can certainly do all that God requires of us without you know being Spirit fill we can do that by greet by sure willpower but all that would achieve for us is that we live a moralistic life without the true transformation power of the Holy Spirit we will be relying on our own strength and that would be just like the Pharisees right and the result of that

00:09:38 is that you either become puffed up proud okay and you look down on other people or it wouldn't last okay sooner or later it becomes so burdensome you just give up so just having the right information the knowledge will not translate into real or lasting transformation unless first of all our hearts are convicted through God's empowering us that's the point now let me illustrate most people like the idea of becoming fitter and healthier right now especially at the beginning of the year isn't it in fact

00:10:19 you know exercising more you know weight loss okay are actually the two most common New Year resolution every year without fail okay now if I want to be fitter and uh healthier right I mean you get all the knowledge right you just Google okay a lot of us know what to do don't we have to exercise morea okay sign up for gym membership okay uh and it's no accident that gym membership right spikes tremendously in January every year okay now uh then we need to have rest okay 8 hours of sleep better sleep

00:10:59 before uh you know 10 10 p.m. okay get up early at 6:00 a.m. okay then you have your diet you know we must have our protein shake we have to have our probiotics we have to eat well cut off all the sugar you know get the right equipment right we must have comfortable running shoes okay so we all know we have got all the knowledge right all the resources that we need okay hang on is this working okay go to the gym right and work out we have all the resources we need and guess what by the end of January all of us

00:11:36 would have given up okay and that's true all right statistics right actually shows that a lot of the people who made a resolution to start at the beginning of January right actually fizzle out right by the time they get to March what's the reason well that's because for most people they love the idea idea of getting fit isn't it but they don't have enough they don't love it enough to actually do something about it or to persist to do something about it we know being fit and healthy is good for us but

00:12:13 guess what we love our sleep better we know we should be eating better and healthier right but you know that hamburger and that lemon pie right just can't can't wait you see we can have all the right knowledge doctrines okay all the tools and the spiritual tools all all the equipment but if we are not convicted in our hearts in an experiential way we will never be able to find the passion or the motivation to do what is right now for instance there is a Twist I just had a heart attack and or near-death

00:12:57 experience and the doctor now says go and exercise and get fit now I really know the importance of exercise don't I and you see me waking up every morning at 6:00 a.m. and you know pounding the track what's the difference because now somehow I know in an experiential way the real importance of getting fit and healthy what has changed is really the conviction of the heart isn't it now of course I may go and run and exercise and when I start doing it with the fresh air I feel you know the doamin hits and I I

00:13:39 I feel so good all right I may continue you know to do it and that's how it is we must have the conviction right our hearts need to be changed and empowered by the Holy Spirit you know in order to have lasting transformational change so in the same way it is in the spiritual realm Paul starts with the Inner Man the inner man it is a hard issue and that's where we need to begin now in Paul's prayer okay you notice that this petition is really a series of cause and effect with one thing resulting in another so it

00:14:30 says in verse 16 that according to the riches of his glory Paul is praying all right that God May Grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being so that so that it will result in Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith with the result that you'll be rooted and grounded in love may have strength to grasp or to comprehend with all the saints what is the breath and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge resulting in being filled with all the fullness of

00:15:08 God so if you like you can basically picture this as a chain reaction that one the first step being God strengthening our inner life and that sets off a whole series of events in our life okay uh you know that will culminate in the full of Christ in US is really unleashing the power all right that God has already given us we need to appropriate it how what is the inner man what is the inner man that's where we need to start well is your soul and your spirit is the real you now it's probably best described uh

00:16:02 in the Bible as our heart you know now many of us equate our heart with uh our uh emotions right but that's not how the the Hebrew mind thinks you know the heart is actually a combination of several things is the intellect right is our will as well as our emotions now the inner man is really the life that nobody else can see except God okay it includes your inner thoughts your desires your motivations and your conviction your inner man is God is what God is really concerned about you know remember when the prophet Samuel was uh

00:16:50 you know uh choosing uh a king for Israel okay he chose uh David in the a small scy little boy instead of uh you know his brothers who were all big strong and mighty okay and you remember all right that it says in 1st Samuel 16:7 okay that God do not look at outward appearance but God looks at the the heart the heart so we are to watch over our hearts okay why the Bible tells us that Above All Else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it for everything you do flows from it Matthew 6:45 for where

00:17:44 your treasure is there your heart will be also so where you invest your time and your resources will reveal what you really treasure in your heart I think Tim K sums it up quite nicely okay what the heart most loves and trusts the Mind finds reasonable the emotions find desirable and the will will find doable okay so in other words if you want lasting change first of all you have to address your heart it is also the reason why the greatest commandment that God has given us okay is this love the Lord your God

00:18:35 with all your what heart and with all your soul and with all your mind for emphasis your heart is really what counts Now by contrast the outer man okay which is our physical body is according to 2 Corinthians 44 uh 4:16 uh uh wasting away okay our inner self on the other hand is being renewed day by day now it's interesting how the world does not have any solution for the Inner Man the world focuses primarily in fact it can only focus on the outer man the world spends all their time and resources on our physical being for

00:19:26 example today the global Medical Aesthetics industry stands at about 9.4 billion with a cumulative growth rate of 10% every year now health and fitness industry you know with gym membership sports gear your you know Sports app okay is 160 billion US dollar that was before the pandemic okay and the beauty industry wow you know all you ladies there all right you would know all your makeup and your eyeliner and everything you know your personal care right is a whooping 511 billion every year that's

00:20:04 half a trillion dollars now it's ironic that the world should be spending so much time on the outer man to stem the tide of time and the aging process we know what the Bible has already told us is wasting away okay some of you right probably feel it more than others I feel it every day when I wake up how my body is wasting away now in the prayer Paul is emphasizing the absolute priority of the inner life over the outer life you notice that in this prayer there is no mention of the believer's outward

00:20:45 circumstances incidentally Paul was writing this letter from a prison cell in Rome Paul should be the one who is getting discouraged and yet in the letter he was encour encouraging the Christians in e in Ephesus all right not to get discouraged on account of his imprisonment now in the prayer Paul doesn't you know ask God to go and heal uh the Christians there or to protect the Christians there or to bless them with this or to bless them with that he prays for them that God will strengthen their inner

00:21:24 being why you see if you are strong on the inside in your inner life it doesn't matter what lives throw at us on the outside we will experience a sense of Peace of joy and personal fulfillment on the other hand if we are weak in our inner life it doesn't matter how good we look on the outside we approach life in weakness and be can and can easily be overcome by our circumstances now it doesn't M mean that our physical well-being is not important and we should never pray for God for physical healing or for protection we do

00:22:03 that all the time but this is a question of priority my friends Paul is saying that if if you have got God's power by the spirit in your inner being all the challenges that you face in life will not really easily affect you it doesn't mean that we won't suffer but you have the power to withstand the onslaught so the question that we should ask ourselves how much have we done to strengthen our inner life our inner being just as we feed the outer man what have we done recently to feed our souls the inner man but you might ask how how

00:22:50 do we feed our soul okay well verse 16 says with the power by the holy spirit with power by the Holy Spirit let's recap a little you remember what's the work of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8 says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit is come upon you the job of the Holy Spirit right is uh in John 15:26 okay when the Holy Spirit comes whom I will send to you from the Father the he will be the spirit of Truth okay and he will testify about me so the job of the Holy Spirit as I'm sure all of us know

00:23:38 is to reveal God's truth from scripture right to us and point to our Lord Jesus Christ now if you are a child of God his power is already there for the taking we appropriate by yielding and surrendering Our lives our will to to the spirit's will and allowing him to minister to our spirit by the power of His word now yielding and surrendering is a conscious decision if we do that the spirit will help us to reorder the loves of our lives and reorientate our affections to our Lord Jesus Christ on the other hand you know it's

00:24:22 possible that we quench the spirit in fact that's what we do instead of yielding and surrendering to the holy hly Spirit we quench it we quench him we grieve the Holy Spirit now as a result of God strengthening the inner man what follows is the second Point okay verse 17 that Christ May dwell in our hearts through faith now you may be wondering don't we Christians already have the indwelling Christ in us why is Paul still praying for Christ to dwell in us okay well I think your theology is very good all right you're right

00:25:10 okay clearly the indwelling of the Holy Spirit In Christ must have already happened okay when we repent of our sins and receive God's salvation in fact in John 14:23 Jesus replied anyone who loves me will obey my teaching my father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them so yes as Christians we all have Christ IND dwelling us but in the in the Ephesians passage Paul is not really talking about uh Salvation okay he's talking about Christ settling down in our lives okay the word that is being used here

00:25:57 the Greek word is k k ko K Koo okay I hope I pronounced that correctly K Koo which means to dwell or to settle down it refers to a permanent uh residence right taking place okay and settling down and being comfortable in that place okay so that verse should more rightly be translated in English that Christ May settle down and be at home in your hearts by faith so what that does that really mean Christ being comfortable in your hearts and in my heart now many years ago I think in 1951 okay there was a little book some

00:26:48 of you may have read it before called my heart Christ home okay written by a man called Robert boy Monga okay which I think is excellent in illustrating the point okay so I'm just going to borrow that story right to illustrate how Christ should be dwelling in our heart now Robert wrote this book right called my heart Christ home okay like an allegory like a parable okay he describes his personal experience of being saved by Jesus Christ and thereafter inviting the Lord into his heart he then describes his heart in

00:27:29 terms of the different rooms that you would find in a house after Christ has entered his heart which brought him tremendous Joy Robert said to the Lord Lord I Want This Heart of mine to be yours I want to have you settle here and be perfectly at home everything I have belongs to you let me show you around and introduce you through the various features of the home so that you can be more comfortable and that we can have a fuller Fellowship together okay and so the story goes the first place that Robert took Jesus

00:28:05 Christ all right to in the house was the library okay now as they enter the room he watched Jesus look around and then Robert felt a little bit embarrassed you know why because on the table and bookshelves are all sorts of books all right that are not really helpful in fact he said that on the table there was some you know dirty magazines okay uh the library okay actually represents the intellect okay what we put in our mind so Robert was a little bit embarrassed okay he asked Christ you know please feel free all right to do

00:28:49 some alteration and what Jesus told him was yes I'll gladly do that right you know go and remove all things that are not helpful okay and replace them with the books of the Bible okay and commentaries and then read them every day so the next room that they went to was actually the dining room okay and there okay Jesus asked Robert to open up the menu right to see what is you know in store you know for dinner right and for lunch okay and there in the menu they find favorite dishes like money academic papers stocks degrees business

00:29:29 articles on Fame and Fortune okay and Robert says would you like to have some and then Jesus says no I don't need all this I have meat all right that you do not understand okay and that is to do my father's will and Robert of course says Lord I think this is an unhealthy diet why don't you change it for me and Jesus said sure of course and Jesus changed it right into the will of God the next place that they went to right was the living room okay a place where people socialize and have fellowship and to

00:30:11 cultivate relationships the Lord Jesus invited Robert to meet regularly there so that they would Fellowship over the word now he readily agreed okay for a time so Robert right enjoyed the most wonderful communion with Christ but then something happened gradually he began to be distracted by the cares of the world first the quiet time was shortened and then he would miss it all together and then before long Robert stopped going to the living room then one day while in a hurry to go out he passed by the living room and

00:30:46 noticed that the door was a jar right looking in he saw Jesus sitting there alone now all of a sudden guilt and sadness engulfed Robert when he remembered that he had NE elected Jesus whom he had invited as a guest and yet Jesus gently reminded him that all along he has been there every morning without fail as he had promised now how long have you last been in the living room to meet Jesus without rushing off well that's the point you see so the next place they went to was the workshop and so on and so forth okay

00:31:28 okay and finally before long one day Jesus was waiting for Robert and he said he had discovered a foul smell you know coming from a lock closet in the hallway when Jesus insisted on having the key to open it Robert suddenly got angry and defensive he thought since he had surrendered every other room to the Lord he would at least be permitted to keep a couple of rotten things he still secretly treasured in his heart finally at the threat of Jesus withdrawing his Fellowship from him Robert relented and breathed a great

00:32:06 sign of relief when Jesus was allowed to clean out that closet now the story concluded with Robert surrendering over the title of the house to Jesus and asking Jesus now to become the Master of the House why because at the end of the day Robert says I can't I can't keep up with cleaning all the rooms you know because the moment I finish cleaning this one it becomes dirty all right okay after after a while and Jesus says I will gladly do it for you because you are not supposed to be cleaning your life with your own

00:32:44 strength you are supposed to be cleaning with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ so the question we ask ourselves you know from the story is Christ comfortable in in your heart or does he always have to run after you to tidy things up for you do you know how condescending it is for God and for Christ to be living inside you a mere mortal an Earthly King know you just imagine know aong would never come to live in a small filthy tiny apartment that we call home would he and yet this is what Christ has

00:33:31 done Christ God in all his magnificent and All His glory descended and dwell in our hearts that's the point you see this is what God has done and much more so once the spirit of God takes over the inner life and Christ shut us down and is at home in our hearts the result is aive then rooted and built on the foundation of Love step three love will become your underpinning motivation for all the things that you do why because Christ is love Christ is love love is not an emotion life is an love is an action

00:34:24 word isn't it 1 Corinthians chapter 13 love is patience love is kind it is not envious it does not boast it is not proud it does not dishonor others it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not Delight in evil but rejoices with the truth it always protects it always trusts always hopes always perseveres when the presence of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Jesus Christ is so keenly felt in our lives it becomes Unthinkable for us not to forgive a brother Unthinkable for us to go some

00:35:12 places where we have no business going it becomes Unthinkable for us to be harsh to be rude to be ungrateful and so on and so forth you know the point in verse 18 you have the power to grasp the extent or the magnitude of his love for us you'll be able to comprehend what is beyond knowledge what is unexplainable okay now everybody love to be loved isn't it right those of you you are in courtship right love is the most wonderful and joyous experience all right that God has given us love is also something that is very very difficult to

00:36:08 describe why because if you have to describe it you ain't got it it has to be experienced isn't it those people who are in love will tell you that Paul is saying that the love of Christ is so big is it's very difficult for us to wrap our head around it but we can certainly try isn't it the breath of Christ love is so wide that it covers a great multitude that no one could number from every nation from all tribes and people and languages standing Before the Throne and before the lamb Revelations

00:36:49 7:9 love covers the breath you know we have Russian family here right last week uh we saw a family from Ireland we have all ethnicity represented here all right Indians Chinese okay all sorts of different backgrounds that's the Breath of God God's love how long is the love of Christ long enough in the past that we were chosen from before the foundation of the earth and long enough in the future that neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is

00:37:32 in Christ Jesus our lord how deep is Jesus love deep enough that though he was equal with God who did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of man and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on the cross and how high is his love but high enough to bring us up to heaven and partake of the glory that he enjoys with his father remember just as Christ has

00:38:15 promised to dwell in our hearts he has also promised that he would take us and that he has prepared A Place For Us in heaven what a marvelous thought and you know such love cannot be experienced alone and that's why all right the love of God compels us to share it with the community of saints okay it is where God's love is Manifest as we do life together and fellowship together right and that is why in verse 18 it says that when we are rooted and grounded in love okay we will comprehend the love of God with all the saints in

00:38:54 the community just like us right the Chain Reaction then finally brings us to the point where we are being filled with the fullness of God the state where we truly live up to our original design and purpose in creation you know back in Genesis we all know this right we all B the image of God okay when we have the spirit controlling Our Lives when we have the indwelling Christ comfortably stationed there okay which allows us to comprehend the magnitude and the vastness of Christ's love and expressing

00:39:50 that in our lives in the community of God's family then we are well on our way to fulfilling God's original intent and design for our lives in what way in reflecting him in representing him and in relating to him and when the community around us see all of our Lives all our our love for each other all right being Spirit-filled EX expressing God's love okay in a way that is unknown to the outside world wouldn't they be attracted to a community like this that would truly then be us reflecting representing and relating to

00:40:49 God it's a process and it will never be completed until we reach the other side of this life now imagine all of us making a concerted effort to live a life that is yielded to the spirit I tell you if we pray this prayer and if we mean it and we practice yielding Our Lives to the Holy Spirit God will unleash his power upon us and I have no doubt that we would Thrive here in FBC we would double the size now in no time we will be planting churches is this a vision that is appealing to all of us I certainly hope

00:41:37 so and it's certainly my prayer for the rest of the year and the years to come that we would yield ourselves for God to do a mighty work in our inner life I just want to conclude by asking this question how is your fellowship with God you know in first John 1:3 John writes we Proclaim to you what we have seen and heard so that you may you may what you may have fellowship with us and our fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ Christ longs to have fellowship with us he has given his life for us right

00:42:30 it's not difficult to imagine for those that he has given his life to he wants to commune with have you been communion with God as a paring thought you know uh you know what happens to the church in Ephesus right the church in Ephesus was mentioned again in uh Revelations right and you might remember that when the angel of the Lord all right went to uh visit all the seven churches in Asia Minor the first church was the Church of Ephesus and this is what the angel of the Lord proclaimed yet I hold this against

00:43:24 you uh you have forsaken the love you had at first you know it's so amazing that Michelle I mean I didn't know that she was going to say that you know some of us have lost our first love okay you have forsaken the love you had at first consider how far you have fallen repent and do the things you did at first if you do not repent I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place but you have this in your favor you hate the practices of the the neans which I also hate you see the church in Ephesus they

00:44:01 all have the hate knowledge they are very theologically sound okay they are well-versed with the doctrines of God and yet what Christ had against them 30 years later when John wrote you know Revelations was that they had lost their first loved and I pray that may that not happen to us that 30 years down the road all right we will be accused of the same thing let us go to God In Prayer dear heavenly father we want to thank you for your word Lord Lord we ask that as we come and we look into our hearts and our inner

00:44:56 being we want to to confess to you oh Lord that we have not always live up to your expectation in fact oh Lord so many a times we are more concerned to do our own will rather than the will of the father Lord I pray that you forgive us of our sins Lord may you take hold of our inner life may you fill us with your Holy Spirit May the dwelling Christ find a comfortable space in our hearts that day by day we would conform ourselves to the image of God Lord we pray that we would find our first loveed and that you will rekindle in us

00:45:50 a spirit of love for you and for your people for we ask all this in Jesus name amen thank you uh ulam for the message church can I invite you to stand and Uncle David will lead us into this response song [Music] what give of Grace is Jesus My Redeemer there is no more for heaven now to give he is my joy my righteousness and freedom my steadfast love my deep and boundless peace to this I hope my hope is only Jesus for my life is Holy bound to his oh how strange and divine I can sing all is mine yet don't I but to Christ in

00:47:24 me [Music] the night is dark and I am not forsaken for by my side the savior he will stay I la along in weakness and rejoicing for in my me his power is display to this I home my sheer will defend me to the deepest valley he will Le oh the night has been one and I shall overcome yet not I but to cist chist [Music] in no F I dread I know I am [Music] forgiv the future sure the price it has been paid for Jesus plan and suffer for my paron and he was raised to overthrow the grave to this I hope my sin has been

00:49:11 [Music] defeated Jesus now and heav is my oh the chains are released I can sing I am free but to Christ with every breath I long to follow Jesus for he has said that he will bring me home and day by day I know he will re until I stand with your heart before your I hope my hope is only Jesus all the glory ever more to when the race is complet to my lips shall your Christ me so this I hope my hope is only Jesus all the glory ever to him when the race is complete still my li shall re yet I to Christ

00:51:03 in when the race is complete still my lips shall repeat yet not I but to Christ in me I but to Christ in me Lord I to CH in [Music] me let us bow our heads to pray dear heavenly father we thank you for such a privilege to be at your house to Worship You indeed oh Lord as we have just sung we pray Lord that you grant us grant us the empowerment the power of your Holy Spirit to live a life that is worthy of your your calling and indeed oh Lord it is not us who live but Christ Living In Me Now receive the

00:52:41 benediction now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever amen please be seated the service is over if anyone of you has a desire to uh request for prayer and be prayed with pray it over please come forward we have uh our pastors and Elders uh standing in front thank you