Welcome to Growth Tracks which is FBC’s program for e-learning designed to set the disciple on the firm foundation spiritual maturity. All the major areas of the Christian walk will be covered. The gospel which is the key to maturity will be re-explored as well.
In 2 Corinthians 4:6 (ESV) Paul writes” For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.
The key to growth in our spiritual lives is encountering the glory of God through the person of His Son who is His perfect image. The more our hearts are filled with the knowledge of Him the more our characters are molded, the more our hearts are filled with His love and more our lives will be directed towards the purpose for which we were created….to glorify Him. These series of power point presentations are designed to provide a progressive track to show the face of Christ through selected but key passages in the Bible laying down the bed rock foundations of faith that will form the basis for a life -long learning and growing in to the likeness of Christ. Prayerfully follow these presentations and His Spirit will propel you into a trajectory of robust growth and spiritual transformation. Learn how to read the bible by tackling whole passages of Scripture rather than piece meal verses. Listen to the audio of the power points and the parts of verses that will be highlighted to learn to pick up key points and understand the logic of how the arguments are laid out. See how principles from the passages will be translated to everyday life. Take each lesson a couple slides at a time or listen to the whole presentation at one go. You can fast forward to the section of your interest or go back to understand the more difficult slides. Learn at your own pace and after this have a discussion with your spiritual mentor for personal reflection and accountability. For those disciples going into the Gamma program these presentations will help bridge the gap between the Alpha Beta programs and the more in- depth Gamma discipleship program.