November 8, 2020

Pharaoh’s Dream (Gen 41:8-57)

Pharaoh’s Dream (Gen 41:8-57)

God is not just doing A thing, He is doing MANY things.

In Joseph’s story, God works through people , in and through pain and He keeps His promises. God worked through the cupbearer who remembered Joseph interpreting his dream for him. He worked through the pain Joseph suffered from being sold into slavery in order that His promises to His people will come to fruition.

Our suffering does not mean that God is absent. God was with Joseph in the pit, He was with Joseph in Potiphar’s house, He was with Joseph when He tasted success. God is committed to keeping His word and Jesus Christ is the ultimate proof God is involved in every aspect of our life.

Like Joseph, in our pain, suffering, and success, God has not forgotten us, He is always with us.

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