May 10, 2020

Mothers’ Day 2020

Mothers’ Day 2020

From Hannah’s story, we see God’s work of grace in our life. He understands our pain, hears our prayers and wants us to bring our concerns to Him.

In His grace, we are also reminded of our value and worth. Where society places value on status, wealth and looks, we are reminded that we are accepted and valued because of His great love for us.

At times, we may not see God working in certain situations but we can be assured and have peace that He is sovereign, even in the midst of pain and suffering.
The psalmist writes, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Every day of my life is written in your book, how precious are your thoughts towards me God.” This Mother’s Day, we thank God for mothers and the love that they have shown to us. Let us also be reminded of His love, when He sent His one and only son to die for us. Blessed Mother’s Day to all mothers!