Sharing God’s Story with Children

Sharing God’s Story with Children

By Joy Apacible

A common sentiment among Sunday school teachers is that “raising up kids God’s way” seems to have been delegated to them. Often, parents don’t intend to do so, but the demands on parents in the last decade have significantly increased that they’re getting all the help they can. Not only are lifestyles more hectic; providing good education and activities for the kids cost a lot more. Paired with the need to discipline & teach one’s own children – the stress can become unbearable. Unfortunately, it’s time spent with children that suffers the most.

MCO has brought work and school home. It has been disorienting and challenging, and there is much uncertainty about the future. But probably one of the bittersweet challenges is that parents are forced to (literally) face their children and learn more about them.

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses urged the Israelites to love God with all their hearts, soul, and might. The Israelites were not to just remember it for themselves, but also to teach it to their children diligently. Moses was not just addressing the adults; he was ensuring that the next generation remembers what the Lord has done. Likewise, we care for the children in the church and rejoice in seeing them grow deeper in their love for God. But how have we been modelling life to the children? How have we been telling them God’s story these past few weeks?

Children are highly perceptive, and hardly need words for communication. They copy what we do, repeat what we say, challenge our contradictions, and strategize to achieve what they want. Children are also interestingly simple. They are innocent and naive, and can be quite cute when they argue. And a child’s simplicity is his greatest strength. They know enough, and trust enough. They know enough to trust that their parents love them. They know enough to trust that God listens to their prayers.

Teaching children is not just for their sake, but for ours as well. Every time we tell God’s story, we ourselves are reminded of who He is, and all that He has and can do. Every moment we pray with them and reassure them, we are reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives. In every song we sing with them, we remember God’s greatness, grace, and love for us. In every laughter we share, our spirit is lifted and we find hope in the face of darkness.

Not only has this pandemic given us a chance to be home; it is a concrete experience that we share with the children. So as we spend more time with them, let’s tell God’s story. Our response doesn’t just affect them today; it influences their outlook for tomorrow, and their response to God especially in times of uncertainty.

May we, as families, encourage each other in the faith. May we rest in the goodness of our Father, who gives us strength and mercy for each new challenge, for each new day. Let us remember the Lord, and all that He has done.

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