Fun Time With Dad

Fun Time With Dad

By Sheila Teh Today is Father’s Day. Coming a month after the Mother’s Day celebration,  Father’s Day seems almost like an afterthought.  It was a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909 that inspired American woman Sonora Smart Dodd to campaign for a day in honour of fathers, particularly her father who raised her and her siblings...

Specially Made For You, Mummy

Specially Made For You, Mummy

By Sheilah Teh Long before Mother’s Day, zooms in on the second Sunday of May each year, the Sunday School (SS) Ministry teachers will start to put on their thinking caps on what activities and crafts to plan in conjunction with this day. Plans for Mother’s Day got “locked up” literally this year when the...

Sharing God’s Story with Children

Sharing God’s Story with Children

By Joy Apacible A common sentiment among Sunday school teachers is that “raising up kids God’s way” seems to have been delegated to them. Often, parents don’t intend to do so, but the demands on parents in the last decade have significantly increased that they’re getting all the help they can. Not only are lifestyles...