

Insecurity is an offense to individual worthiness. God disapproves of our insecurity because it is an offence to His Son’s worthiness. God’s problem with insecurity is worth pondering. According to Paul, he calls it “confidence in the flesh”. Your faith, trust and hope in God is not in you. It is not only sin, it...

Prayer for the Nation and the World

Prayer for the Nation and the World

Dear Father in Heaven,  As we lift up our eyes to your majestic throne, we see how tiny and unworthy we are before you. Your glory and splendour reveals that no one can compare to You. How great and magnificent You are! Your beauty exceeds all the wonders of the world and Your goodness flows...

Fun Time With Dad

Fun Time With Dad

Today is Father’s Day. Coming a month after the Mother’s Day celebration,  Father’s Day seems almost like an afterthought.  It was a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909 that inspired American woman Sonora Smart Dodd to campaign for a day in honour of fathers, particularly her father who raised her and her siblings after their mother...

FBC Laments Together

FBC Laments Together

What happens when we come to congregational worship after losing someone we love? Or when we are diagnosed with a terminal disease? Or families are ripped apart by tragedy? Or we realize that located in our midst is sin and it threatens to tear the church apart? Or that natural disasters or financial disasters fall...

The People of The Call

The People of The Call

In times of difficulty, it is important to reflect  on who we are as our identity determines how we react to situations which then determines the course of our lives. There is no more poignant passage on who we are than 1 Peter 2:9-10 where Peter addressed the members of the fledgling church scattered across...

Why I Don’t Pray Much

Why I Don’t Pray Much

I recently read an article by Pastor Dr Gary Linton stating the average Christian (American, I assume), prays less than 10 minutes a day, and realized I was one of them. I needed to find out why since the Apostle Paul urges us to pray without ceasing in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and that we sin...

One Body, Many Part

One Body, Many Part

Since the MCO began on March 18, the FBC video production team has been working tirelessly to bring online Sunday services to your home. Some of you may wonder what happens behind the scene and who are the people involved in the production. The online Sunday service is divided into four major sections. They are...

Following Our Holy God

Following Our Holy God

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now...