Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

(This article is adapted from a series of sharing on the subject of Prayer by Yew Lum to his Life Group members.) The Lord’s Prayer (or some would call it the Disciple’s Prayer) is a framework to teach us how we should pray. It’s not really something to recite mindlessly although there’s nothing wrong in...

August 9, 2020September 26, 2020by
Building a Matured Church

Building a Matured Church

And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of...

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

(This article is adapted from a series of sharing on the subject of Prayer by Yew Lum to his Life Group members.) Week Five– “Your Kingdom Come” The next petition exhorts us to pray for the kingdom of God to come. Jesus said to Pilate during His trial that “My kingdom is not of this...

August 2, 2020September 26, 2020by
Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

(This article is adapted from a series of sharing on the subject of Prayer by Yew Lum to his Life Group members.) Week Four – “Hallowed be your name…” The Lord’s Prayer was taught to Jesus’ disciples as part of his discourse known as the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon consists of various themes...

July 26, 2020September 26, 2020by


Acts 2:42 tells us that “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This comes about by God’s power for us to live, move, exist and multiply. In addition, it builds growth, strength and effectiveness. Fellowship is sharing in Christian community through prayer, love,...

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

(This article is adapted from a series of sharing on the subject of Prayer by Yew Lum to his Life Group members.) Last week, we examined the way we addressed our God with the intimate phrase “Our Father” which only His true children are allowed to use. The intimacy in which we call out to...

July 19, 2020September 26, 2020by
God Encourages the Discouraged: First Steps in Caring for the Depressed

God Encourages the Discouraged: First Steps in Caring for the Depressed

Depression is a common mental illness that affects 2.3 million people in Malaysia at some point of their lives. Symptoms of depression are feeling worthless, avoiding contact with other people, less energy than usual, unable to concentrate like usual, feeling hopeless and more. Severe cases of depression may also lead to suicidal thoughts. Some people...

July 19, 2020September 26, 2020by
Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

Lessons from The Lord’s Prayer

(This article is adapted from a series of sharing on the subject of Prayer by Yew Lum to his Life Group members.) Week Two – “Our Father…” When we pray, we take it for granted to be able to call out to God as Our Father. That’s how Jesus taught us to address God in...

July 12, 2020September 26, 2020by
Living in the Now and Move Forward

Living in the Now and Move Forward

Gain from past experience but don’t sit there. Yes. Those negative experiences you had can actually be used for learning and future experiences—no matter how painful they are. Take some time to reflect on the experience and look at ways as it can actually benefit you down the road. You can learn from your experiences...

The Word Became Flesh

The Word Became Flesh

For the past 6 months, we’ve been constantly learning and relearning the art of “social distancing.” We survived the more stringent period thanks to video conferencing platforms and social media; and now, we’re learning how to responsibly be with one another again. But throughout this whole ordeal, there have been separations we didn’t imagine we’d...