God Encourages the Discouraged: Back in the Mainstream

God Encourages the Discouraged: Back in the Mainstream

The depressed often sit around in isolation, wrapped up in themselves and wallow in self-pity. How do we encourage them to get back in the mainstream of life? In the last 3 parts we have learned how to minister to their physical needs, their emotional needs and provide them with fresh new perspectives. Let us...

October 25, 2020November 4, 2020by
God Encouraged the Discouraged: Fresh New Perspective

God Encouraged the Discouraged: Fresh New Perspective

Depressed people often feel like they are alone and everyone has abandoned them. They will harp on the same negative events in their lives over and over again instead of the positive ones. In general, they reward themselves too little, punish themselves too much and are hard on themselves. The Prophet Elijah felt the same...

September 27, 2020September 29, 2020by
God Encourages the Discouraged: Venting Frustration

God Encourages the Discouraged: Venting Frustration

Frustration is the feeling of being upset or annoyed because of the inability to change or achieve something. Being in this state may cause anger, annoyance, disappointment or sometimes violence. Being frustrated is even harder for the depressed as they have to struggle with both frustration and depression at the same time. How do we...

August 30, 2020September 26, 2020by
God Encourages the Discouraged: First Steps in Caring for the Depressed

God Encourages the Discouraged: First Steps in Caring for the Depressed

Depression is a common mental illness that affects 2.3 million people in Malaysia at some point of their lives. Symptoms of depression are feeling worthless, avoiding contact with other people, less energy than usual, unable to concentrate like usual, feeling hopeless and more. Severe cases of depression may also lead to suicidal thoughts. Some people...

July 19, 2020September 26, 2020by
One Body, Many Part

One Body, Many Part

Since the MCO began on March 18, the FBC video production team has been working tirelessly to bring online Sunday services to your home. Some of you may wonder what happens behind the scene and who are the people involved in the production. The online Sunday service is divided into four major sections. They are...