September 10, 2020

Jacob’s Deception – (Genesis 27)

Jacob’s Deception – (Genesis 27)

A pursuit of anything always has a cost, whether we know it or not. From the story of Esau & Jacob, a pursuit of blessings ends up in Isaac being dishonoured, Rebekah losing her son, Esau losing his inheritance and soul and Jacob fleeing for his life.

How should we pursue blessings and why does God bless? All blessings come from God and ought to be subject to God, that we and our neighbours may be reconciled to God. At the heart of God’s blessing is His presence – the greatest blessing of all does not need to be pursued, it has already been given to us, his son Jesus!

With the knowledge of the greatest blessing, let us be a blessing to our neighbours and those around us!

“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”