A Page From My Journal

A Page From My Journal

Outside the only sounds are the birds chirping and the wind chime ringing, while the streets are desolate as all Malaysians stay indoors during this movement control order (MCO). Almost like a scene from a familiar movie, yet this is the new reality for now.  Depending on your personality and life circumstances your reactions to this current reality will vary.

My heart resonates with the desolation on the streets, isolated and alone (except for my dog Oreo) in an unfamiliar place. A string of events and circumstances had me moving just 2 days before the MCO to a temporary house on the other side of KL.  The lack of some basic amenities at such a time as this, coupled with feeling unsafe (because of a history of break-ins) left me feeling desolated. The prideful side of me wanted to brush these feelings aside with a message to self “you should be stronger than this, you have faced more challenging situations, been in less safe places and lived in less comfortable conditions. Chin up and get on with life. “

God is my one true reality

Yet I sensed an invitation from God to linger a bit and to pay attention. There are seasons and times when God allows desolation in our hearts, to take us back to the only one true reality in our lives, God himself.  God isn’t only good when he gives us the desires of our hearts, takes away suffering and sorrows. God is good and ever present, even amid hardship, loneliness, pain and sadness. When all is stripped away, God is still my one true reality and even this desolation will come to pass. 

Community is my strength

But as a follower of Jesus, I don’t have to journey through the desolation seasons of life alone.  We can lean into fellowship with the people of God and draw strength from within. During a recent online CIA* life group gathering we were each asked to share how we are. When it was my turn, I chose to be vulnerable and shared that it has been difficult. I shared because community is my strength and praying together is a balm to the soul. They in turn listened without judgement and simply loved me.

In this season of Covid -19 we the church need each other more than ever. But in-light of the MCO and social distancing how do we support each other and express that we all belong to each other? How do we collectively experience this season as one body?

At FBC the life groups (LG) is where we can nurture friendship, disciple, listen to each other, share life and pray especially in this season. Some avoid LG because building community takes effort, time, and trust. In fact, it’s risky to allow people into our lives. But I see no other way.  Besides exhortation from scripture that reminds us we are many parts of one body (Eph 4:2-6, Gal 6:2, Rom 12:5) the truth is community is our strength as we seek to walk the narrow path of faith.  If you are not part of an LG I encourage you to take that step and get plugged in.  The FBC website has details on who to contact for more details.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

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