Living as People Sent by God

Living as People Sent by God

By Parimalam

We have just celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ and rejoicing that he is risen. Yet more important are the days post resurrection and Jesus’ words to his followers. Some of his words were “As the father has sent me, I also send you (John 20:21). Go into all the world (Mark 16:15) & make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19)”. These words still apply to us today and constitute the very purpose of the church.

Growing up in a Hindu family, I have many memories of going to the temple on a Friday. Like the ringing temple bells and aroma of the incense offered to the gods. The temple musicians beating the melum (drums) as the priest offered to the gods milk, honey and flowers. A ritual repeated several times a day all to earn favor with the gods. Still today millions of people around the world make all sorts of offerings to appease and win favor with their gods. Thousands perish each day without the knowledge of the gospel, that on the cross Jesus Christ has already paid the ultimate sacrifice so that all who believe and call on his name will be saved. (Mark 16:16)

Yet how can they believe Jesus if they have not heard the gospel? And how will they hear unless someone will tell, show and reflect the glory of God (Romans 10:14).

My journey of hearing the gospel and believing it, involved many people and many years. In my childhood, my eldest sister intentionally brings Jesus into our conversations. Then as a student in the US, an elderly couple welcomed me into their home during the holidays. Showing me up close lives of Jesus’ followers. On campus every Tuesday, a local church would host the international students to a home cooked lunch. On top of a full belly, we left with an impression of God. Not the least of this was the prayers of my sister and her church who asked God for my salvation by name.

I believe many of you can also trace your faith journey to the many individuals God sent to you, so you would know Him. Even now, take a moment and thank God for these people God sent. 

Jesus’ words ring true today as they did more than 2000 years ago, “as the father has sent me, I also send you”.  Where has God placed you so you can reflect his glory? Who are the people you know that are yet to hear the gospel? When did you last pray for the Missionaries who go to places and peoples that do not have the gospel? How does your financial giving reflect that God has sent you? What new opportunities is God giving you today?

Today about 42% of the world population still has no access to the gospel (Joshua Project). They will live and die without ever hearing the gospel and the opportunity to choose to follow Christ.  Yet how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to live among them, to translate the Bible into their language, to resource, to pray, to disciple. (Romans 10:15) We the church are the sent people of God, we are the answer. That means each one of us has a part to play, right here in Malaysia and in distant lands and some by praying and giving.  Let’s begin by examining our life in the presence of God and allow God to be in the drivers seat of life.

Here are somethings you can do to begin:

01. Reflect on the questions above and talk to God about it. How does your current way of living reflect your being sent by God? Ask God if there are changes, he wants you to make in your life. Inform yourself about the peoples of the world who have no access to the gospel and is a great resource.

02. Pray specifically and intentionally for the peoples of the world. Prayer isn’t about changing God’s mind but rather it’s about God changing us. So, as we pray may God grow within us a heart for the peoples of the world. An exhaustive prayer source is Operation World .

Photo by Andrey Larin on Unsplash

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