Sharing God’s Story with Children

Sharing God’s Story with Children

A common sentiment among Sunday school teachers is that “raising up kids God’s way” seems to have been delegated to them. Often, parents don’t intend to do so, but the demands on parents in the last decade have significantly increased that they’re getting all the help they can. Not only are lifestyles more hectic; providing...

Sharing God’s Story with Children

Sharing God’s Story with Children

By Joy Apacible A common sentiment among Sunday school teachers is that “raising up kids God’s way” seems to have been delegated to them. Often, parents don’t intend to do so, but the demands on parents in the last decade have significantly increased that they’re getting all the help they can. Not only are lifestyles...

Living as People Sent by God

Living as People Sent by God

We have just celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ and rejoicing that he is risen. Yet more important are the days post resurrection and Jesus’ words to his followers. Some of his words were “As the father has sent me, I also send you (John 20:21). Go into all the world (Mark 16:15)...

Living as People Sent by God

Living as People Sent by God

By Parimalam We have just celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ and rejoicing that he is risen. Yet more important are the days post resurrection and Jesus’ words to his followers. Some of his words were “As the father has sent me, I also send you (John 20:21). Go into all the world...

Praying our fears with Psalm 3 : Part 2 Relocate our glory

Praying our fears with Psalm 3 : Part 2 Relocate our glory

In part 1 we discussed how God is our shield providing us the cover from the onslaught of fear and the opportunity to press ahead with our calling to the gospel of the kingdom. We may be restricted in our movement but not in our fellowship and outreach as they merelymetamorphosize in to new and...

A Page From My Journal

A Page From My Journal

Outside the only sounds are the birds chirping and the wind chime ringing, while the streets are desolate as all Malaysians stay indoors during this movement control order (MCO). Almost like a scene from a familiar movie, yet this is the new reality for now.  Depending on your personality and life circumstances your reactions to...

Christ’s Great High Priestly Prayer

Christ’s Great High Priestly Prayer

In the final part of the conversation (John 17:1-26) Jesus prays for His followers and the coming church… Jesus prays for His followers and the coming church… Jesus prays to the Heavenly Father that His followers “may all be one as we are one” and that “the love with which you love me may be...

Baptist Churches

Baptist Churches

As a group, Baptist churches are always referred to in the plural form. That’s because there is no denomination called The Baptist Church. There is no central authority that governs Baptist churches because all Baptist churches are self governing and autonomous. What this means is that all Baptist churches differ from one another. There may...