The Importance of Resurrection

The Importance of Resurrection

Why is the resurrection important?  Resurrection as defined by the dictionary simply means ~ ‘to bring back to life’ and as simple as it sounds, this is the foundation that all Christians cling on. Very early in the bible we learn that when sin came to the world, death also came along with it. The...

Pre and Post Resurrection- The Mission

Pre and Post Resurrection- The Mission

The first Easter, for the disciples, was an emotional and roller coaster journey, beginning with Palm Sunday and concluding with the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The people greeted Jesus enthusiastically, waving palm branches and covering His path with palm branches. Then the institution of the Lord Supper and of His betrayal. The...

Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

Today we celebrate “Resurrection Sunday”. Since the term Easter Sunday is prevalent now, it’s ok if we celebrate Easter. Most of us here have no knowledge of pagan origins, we just see Easter as the time to celebrate Jesus Christ. Easter is the most joyful of the Christian Festivals and is kept to celebrate Christ’s...

Shine a Light

Shine a Light

‘Jesus answered, ‘Are there not 12 hours of day-light? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by the world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.’ Since the beginning of the year, the youths have been doing daily devotion together, and...

Active Compassion in The Face of COVID-19

Active Compassion in The Face of COVID-19

//The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Psalm 145:8// Psalm 145:8 reminds us that our God is gracious and compassionate, rich in love. Therefore we, his children should reflect his nature as we have been raised to new life, alive to God in Christ Jesus. As we see the...