Calling on the Name of the Lord

Calling on the Name of the Lord

Praying has always been difficult for me – an admission that would surprise many friends.  In my early walk as a Christian, I was often told that prayer was as easy as talking to God as a child to a parent. But the truth is that I have always struggled to pray earnestly and consistently and it will be a life long struggle. Why? It is because I am approaching a holy God who knows me inside out. I cannot hide my unbelief and my disobedience. I would rather stay in my comfort zone acquiring skills in studying the Bible, apologetics and counseling. It is because I have become cynical about prayer fixing everything and it did not. It is difficult because it requires hard work and patience. It requires surrendering everything to God and clinging to his promises.


Prayer is crying out to the Lord to come through on what He has already promised in His Word. Crying out requires a good degree of desperation, brokenness, helplessness and hunger to break through my cynicism.  We pray when we realise that God has massive plans for us and our world.  We pray when we see our inability to make a difference to ourselves or our world. We pray when we see how much we need God to change us by His Spirit and to change other people by His Spirit. And the good news in 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 that we who turn to Jesus are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory. So we ask God to help us understand what He has done for us, to live in the light of what He has done for us, and to show other people what He has for us.

In this time of CMCO, let us continue to persevere for the following:

  • Pray for wisdom for our leaders to formulate and implement policies to protect the livelihood and welfare of the rakyat.
  • Ask for God’s favour on the medical community to find a cure for coronavirus.
  • Pray for many hearts to be open to the eternal hope found in Jesus during this time of uncertainty and fear.
  • Pray that those who do not yet know that God loves them will experience His love through food distributions, clean water and a word of prayer.
  • Pray for the removal of fear and anxiety from our hearts, and confidence in God’s providence that we may be generous in sharing our resources.

Let us continue praying until that day when we will see our God and King face to face.  And in the meantime, if you wish to pray with the family of Christ, join us via Zoom at 9pm Saturdays to Thursdays or at our monthly prayer meeting.

Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

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