One Body, Many Part

One Body, Many Part

Since the MCO began on March 18, the FBC video production team has been working tirelessly to bring online Sunday services to your home. Some of you may wonder what happens behind the scene and who are the people involved in the production.

The online Sunday service is divided into four major sections. They are announcements, praise & worship, pre-sermon and sermon. Within the team, we are divided into four different departments, namely, admin & scheduling, graphic design, music & sound and video recording & editing. It takes nine days to produce an online Sunday service.

On Friday, nine days before the broadcast date, the administrator collects all the announcements and prayer list from all the relevant parties. If any announcement requires a slide, the administrator will request the graphics design department for one. Around the same time, the scheduler reminds the announcers and preachers to come to church for video recording either on Saturday or Sunday.

Most of the videos are recorded over the weekends. Songs are usually recorded from home. Announcements, pre-sermons and sermons are recorded in the Youth Hall.

Monday and Tuesday are the busiest days for the music & sound department. They have to make sure that the volume is optimized, background noise is removed, the musical instruments are balanced and the voices are clear. For some songs, individual instrument has to be added in one by one.

On Wednesday, the video editor on duty begins compiling all the four major sections into a single video. He has to synchronize the audios to the videos, colour grade the videos, add lyrics to the songs and flash relevant slides during announcements or sermon. It takes about two days to put everything together and between two to three hours to render the first draft. 

The team will check the first draft together for mistakes and quality. By Friday night, the final video is uploaded to YouTube and the social media team will share the link on their respective platforms. Then the production cycle for the next Sunday begins again.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Paul says,

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.”

It takes many people with different giftings to produce a successful online Sunday service. No one person can pull this off alone, no matter how talented he is. God has planted these people in FBC for His purpose long before this pandemic. All glory to God! 

I would like to thank Pastor Leon Lim, the music maestro, Luke Kiang, the Hollywood magician, Malcolm Anderson, the sound expert, Samuel Goh, the artist extraordinaire, Pastor Joash Chan, Frederick Choang, Michelle Mooi, Ann Lim, Zeeshan Daud, singers, musicians, announcers and preachers for their selfless contribution to ensure that God’s word is delivered to our homes every Sunday during this pandemic.

Have a blessed week ahead and God bless.

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