The Importance of Resurrection

The Importance of Resurrection

Why is the resurrection important? 

Resurrection as defined by the dictionary simply means ~ ‘to bring back to life’ and as simple as it sounds, this is the foundation that all Christians cling on. Very early in the bible we learn that when sin came to the world, death also came along with it. The ‘curse’ that God gave in Genesis chapter 3, is death. ‘For dust you are, to dust you will return’ signifies that death is inevitable (Gen 3:19b). For all man is destined to die once and then face judgement for our sins (Hebrews 9:27). But this natural progression is rewritten, a full-stop in an individual’s life with death has now been given a chance in continuity through the life that Jesus brings. This is why the occurrence of the resurrection is important! 

But to fully appreciate the resurrection, we have to understand who this ‘Jesus’ is. Jesus was the Word in flesh, that who lived a life free of sin; holy and blameless. He, unlike us, did not need to uptake the curse of death as he was without sin. But, Jesus humbled himself to the cross, to the point of death (Philp 2:8). And took the full wrath of sin for us, the death deserving for us and not Him. Then the big question comes, ‘How does the resurrection fit in this picture of a dying man?’. Well to understand that question, we could look at the flip-side of things, ‘What if Jesus did not resurrect?’ and the answer is simple, that Jesus died for nothing. If Jesus died and stayed dead, it would mean that even God himself could not conquer death; a curse that he laid on us. But with Jesus’ resurrection, we know fully well that this person, or God whom that we believe in, is the real deal and He has conquered death! And we know full well that He is now watching over us and is seated/standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:55-56).

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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