Shine a Light

Shine a Light

‘Jesus answered, ‘Are there not 12 hours of day-light? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by the world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.’

Since the beginning of the year, the youths have been doing daily devotion together, and we started with the book of John in January. At that time, Covid-19’s presence was known, but not feared as much. After all, it was the year of 2020! I would be getting ready for major exams, national competitions, and my Boys’ Brigade company’s 20th anniversary. Never would I have thought that 2 months down the line, everything would be cancelled.

It was as if God knew that we expected 2020 to do something special for us, and decided to steer it in another direction. Now, countless other youths and I are left wondering, what’s going to happen to our exams? Our academic future? Would we get to hang out with other friends anymore? Will malls get shut down, and will we be left without anything to do for the
rest of the year?

That’s the thing, though. To say that we have nothing to do, is indirectly saying that God left us nothing to do. That, by all means, is wrong. We were never left without anything. In fact, God gave us everything, and gave us this world to take care for. He gave his son to be the lamp unto our feet, a light onto our paths, in order to guide us on what to do. In John 11, Jesus tells the disciples that as long as He is with them, they would have no reason to fear, for they can walk in His light. And that’s just it. We ourselves cannot make light, we alone cannot illuminate our next few steps, or see into the future. So instead, we place our trust in God. And slowly, we begin to see the light, even though it may not be what we wanted. Covid-19 has forced us into quarantine, but by doing so, it has allowed nature to flourish, allowing clear skies to be seen, fresh water to flow. It may have taken away the light that we were using for ourselves, but God brought down more light, and brings us opportunities to bring the light to other people.

2020 did not turn out the way we wanted, the way we planned. But, just like the clear waters now flowing in the canals of Venice, the year of 2020 does not belong to us, or follow what we want, or what we plan. It belongs to Him, and He is the one who decides which path we will take, by shining a light on it. Many people are saying that we must place our trust in the Lord,
and believe that He has a plan for us. So I pray for us to trust the lord, and don’t stumble in the dark, thinking you can rely on yourself. As true believers, we have the light of God inside us, and just like the disciples, we must trust that we can walk in the light of God. And just maybe, enlighten others along the way.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

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