Active Compassion in The Face of COVID-19

Active Compassion in The Face of COVID-19

//The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Psalm 145:8//

Psalm 145:8 reminds us that our God is gracious and compassionate, rich in love. Therefore we, his children should reflect his nature as we have been raised to new life, alive to God in Christ Jesus. As we see the numbers of cases of Covid 19 increase in Malaysia and worldwide, and the increasing call for social distancing, it is all so easy to become trapped in anxiety and fear. We fear our loved ones or ourselves could be stricken. The constant stream of bad news heightens our sense of helplessness and boredom play tricks on our minds. So how could we respond in a manner that reflects our Creator, the gracious and compassionate God. How can we be a people who respond to fear and uncertainty with active compassion?

Our communities need love and friendship.The elderly and those with chronic health issues are often home bound. If you are healthy and in a low risk group, consider doing the grocery shopping for the old auntie or uncle in your neighborhood. Give them a friendly phone call to show them that you care for their well-being. It could be as simple as sharing some sour dough bread with your neighbor.

Be a voice for truth and compassion in your conversations at home, social groups and social media. Be a careful steward of information. Ask yourself if your audience will receive encouragement and hope, leading to outward expressions of compassion and generosity or will they be led into inward acts of self-protection and fear.

Spend your money intentionally to sustain your local economy. Your spending can be an act of charity as many are facing financial shutdown. Your part time cleaner, the nasi lemak vendor, the day labourer, the grab driver, have lost their incomes. My heart was lifted when I heard about a Christian generously sharing food from his freezer with his employees. Another worked with the trainer to provide online gym classes. A sister is networking with other Christians to provide financial support for refugee families. It could be as simple as buying an extra packet of food. Be alert to those around you, who may need that bit of help to sustain another day.

There are many ways one can extend compassion. And there is no prescribed method. What matters is for each of us to be intentional in compassion and generosity. Seek the Lord and ask him to open your eyes to the many opportunities around you. Ask him to flood your heart with love, compassion and courage. He will surely answer you. And remember, it is not the size of your gift that matters for He sees the widow’s two copper coins worthier than all the other rich gifts (Luke 21:3).

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