Gain from past experience but don’t sit there. Yes. Those negative experiences you had can actually be used for learning and future experiences—no matter how painful they are. Take some […]
Week One The subject of prayer has been occupying my mind in recent weeks. Have you ever wondered why God wants us to pray? Does He not already know what […]
Dear Father in Heaven, As we lift up our eyes to Your majestic throne, we see how tiny and unworthy we are before You. Your glory and splendour reveals that […]
Insecurity is an offense to individual worthiness. God disapproves of our insecurity because it is an offence to His Son’s worthiness. God’s problem with insecurity is worth pondering. According to […]
Today is Father’s Day. Coming a month after the Mother’s Day celebration, Father’s Day seems almost like an afterthought. It was a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909 that inspired American […]
What happens when we come to congregational worship after losing someone we love? Or when we are diagnosed with a terminal disease? Or families are ripped apart by tragedy? Or […]